§ 22-805. Minimum design standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All earthworks performed at the site must comply with the following conditions:


    All disturbed areas shall be re-vegetated with native plants or other vegetation as approved by the natural resource management office.


    Erosion control measures shall be installed and maintained until the site has adequately stabilized.


    Temporary erosion control measures such as straw bales and silt fences must be installed.


    Grading on an uninterrupted slope shall not exceed 10,000 square feet.


    All impervious surfaces, existing and proposed, shall not exceed 30 percent of the total buffer area.


    The boat ramp:


    Shall consist of an eight-inch to 24-inch layer of crushed rock, 4-inch minimum thickness pre-cast reinforced concrete planks or a cast-in-place reinforced minimum 3,000 psi concrete slab each with a 6-inch to 18-inch crushed rock base. Pre-cast planks shall be connected to prevent displacement.


    Shall have its top surface at the same level as the bed immediately adjacent to the boat ramp.


    Shall not have a slope steeper [than] 13 percent.


    Shall not be constructed in or across a wetland.


    Shall have rock riprap toe protection at the end of the ramp which shall not extend above the natural level of the bottom of the waterway.


    Shall not have side slopes of excavated banks exceeding two feet horizontal to one foot vertical (2U1V).


    Shall not exceed six feet or ten percent of lot width which ever is less if mangroves are located on shoreline.


    Shall not exceed 25 feet or 20 percent of lot width which ever is greater if mangroves are not located on the shoreline.


    No portion of any proposed boat ramp subject to the requirements of this article shall be located in or across any wetland areas prior to all required federal, state, and local permitting being obtained for such structure.


    Cofferdams (if proposed) constructed for site dewatering shall consist only of clean recoverable materials such as sandbags, plywood sheeting, etc., and all materials shall be removed in their entirely immediately following project completion.


    Material removed to create the boat ramp:


    May not be placed in any surface water, wetland, or surface water buffer.


    Must be disposed and stabilized on an upland site outside of the floodplain.


    The removal of any trees, shrubs, and other shoreline vegetation shall be approved by the natural resources management office prior to removal, and any vegetation removal above the mean high-water line must comply with the vegetative removal requirements of the surface water protection or land clearing ordinances.


    Construction and maintenance of the boat ramp shall not damage fish or wildlife habitat, degrade water quality, obstruct navigation or other lawful public use of the man-made body of water or adversely affect other owner's property.


    A copy of the construction permit required pursuant to section 22-802 shall be posted at the project site at all times from the commencement of construction until the project is completed.

(Ord. No. 03-26, § 5, 7-8-03)