§ 4.1.2. Vacancies.  

Latest version.
  • Each County officer shall be subject to removal as prescribed by the State Constitution and general law for such officers in noncharter counties. Any other vacancy in a County office arising from the death, resignation, or removal of such official shall, if one year or less remains in the term of office, be filled by appointment of the Governor; provided, a vacancy created by recall shall be filled as provided in Section 5.2 of this Charter. Unless otherwise required by the State Constitution or general law, if more than one year remains in the term of office at the time the vacancy occurs, the vacancy shall be filled by a special election. The Board of County Commissioners, after first consulting with the Supervisor of Elections, shall by resolution fix the time period for candidate qualifying, the date of the election, and the date of any runoff election. There shall be a minimum of thirty (30) days between the close of qualifying and the date of the election, and a minimum of two weeks between the election and any runoff election. Such special elections shall otherwise be governed by the applicable provisions of general law.

(Amd. of 11-2-10)