§ 62-3316. On-premises signs.  

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  • (a)

    Maximum surface area. A total sign surface area of two square feet for each linear foot of building frontage facing a public street or parking lot shall be allowed on each parcel or tract of land located in the IN(L), IN(H), GML(P, I, U, H), BU-1-A, BU-1, BU-2, TU-1, TU-2, RVP, RP, IU, IU-1, PBP and PIP zoning classifications; approved commercial areas within the RU-2-30, PUD or RPUD or within commercially developed agricultural tracts zoned GU, AU, PA or AGR to identify approved on-site businesses. The sign surface area of freestanding signs, wall signs, projecting signs and window signs shall be utilized to calculate the maximum allowable cumulative sign surface area.


    Freestanding signs. (see also Overlay Districts)


    Maximum number. One freestanding sign per each minimum parcel of land on a public street shall be permitted. Where the parcel is located on more than one street frontage, one freestanding sign shall be permitted on each street frontage. If the parcel has street frontage in excess of 200 feet, one additional freestanding sign shall be permitted for each 200-foot increment.


    Size. The maximum allowable sign surface area for each freestanding sign shall be 150 square feet. In cases where more than one freestanding sign is permitted, the aggregate sign surface area shall not exceed 300 square feet.


    Separation. Freestanding signs shall be placed no closer than 100 feet apart on the same parcel or tract of land and no closer than 50 feet from a freestanding sign located on an adjacent parcel or tract of land.


    Setback. Freestanding signs shall maintain a minimum 15-foot setback from all property lines. Pole or pedestal-mounted signs shall maintain a clearance of eight feet from the bottom of the sign to the ground when located closer than 25 feet to any intersection (street or driveway). Ground signs shall be no higher than four feet when located closer than 25 feet to any intersection (street or driveway).


    Maximum height. The maximum height for any freestanding sign shall be 20 feet.


    Changeable copy. No more than 90 percent of the sign surface area of any permanent freestanding sign shall be a changeable copy sign.


    Permitted zoning classifications. See Table 1 following this article.


    Wall signs and murals.


    Wall coverage. The total number of wall signs and coverage area is limited by the criteria in subsection (c)(2), below.


    Size. The maximum allowable aggregate sign surface area for all wall signs on any structure shall not exceed one square foot per linear foot of building frontage facing a public street or parking lot, except that each separate establishment in a multiple-unit project shall be entitled to a minimum sign surface area of 20 square feet. Wall signage and commercial lettering/script incorporated within a wall mural shall not exceed ten percent of the square footage of the building wall, regardless of the number of signs.


    Geometric area. Where individual letters or other graphic symbols are used separately or together to form the intended message, the size shall be determined by using the geometric area of the common shape which totally encloses the letters or symbols.


    Changeable copy. No more than 90 percent of the sign surface area of any wall sign shall be a changeable copy sign.


    Maximum projection and height. No wall sign shall project above the roofline or beyond the facade or wall of the structure to which the sign is attached.

    Wall signs shall not project more than 12 inches out from the wall to which they are attached, and shall not project into the public right-of-way.


    Permitted zoning classifications. See Table 1 following this article.


    Projecting signs.


    Maximum number and size. One projecting sign may be substituted for each wall sign provided that the aggregate sign surface area of the projecting sign shall not exceed the allowable sign surface area of the wall sign which the projecting sign replaces.


    Maximum projection and height. Projecting signs shall not project more than four feet from the building wall on which the sign is attached. No projecting sign shall extend more than 20 feet above ground level to the top of the sign, and signs shall not project above the roofline of the structure on which the sign is attached. Projecting signs shall not project into the public right-of-way, and shall maintain a minimum clearance of eight feet from the ground to the bottom of the sign.


    Under-canopy signs. Where an awning, canopy or marquee is utilized, an under-canopy sign may be hung from the awning, canopy or marquee provided that the sign is no larger than four square feet and maintains a minimum clearance of at least eight feet from the bottom of the sign to the sidewalk grade. No more than one under-canopy sign shall be utilized by each separate establishment, and the square footage of the sign shall be included in the maximum allowable sign surface area.


    Changeable copy. No part of a projecting sign may be a changeable copy sign unless the tract or parcel of land does not have a freestanding sign. In a case where no freestanding sign exists on the property, no more than 90 percent of the surface area of the projecting sign shall be a changeable copy sign.


    Distance from adjacent property or buildings. Projecting signs shall not be erected closer than five feet to another lot line or adjacent establishment.


    Permitted zoning classifications. See Table I following this article.


    Multifamily development.


    Freestanding signs.


    Area. One freestanding sign for each street frontage shall be permitted as follows:


    Uses of 12 units or less: 16 square feet.


    Uses of 13 units or more: 24 square feet.


    Location. The sign may be a single sign with two faces of equal size if located within an entrance median within a private roadway or drive, or two single-faced structures of equal size located on each side of the entrance.


    Height and front setback. Maximum height shall be six feet with a minimum setback of ten feet from front property lines.


    Side setback. Minimum setback from side lot lines shall be ten feet.


    Wall signs. One wall sign may be utilized in lieu of a freestanding sign of a maximum size as specified in subsection 62-3316(e)(1)(a) above. No projecting or roof signs shall be permitted.


    Ingress and egress signs.


    Maximum number. Two signs, for directional purposes only, shall be permitted at each point of ingress and egress to a parking area as approved on the site plan or plat.


    Size. The maximum allowable sign surface area for each ingress and egress sign shall be four square feet. The sign surface area of ingress and egress signs shall not be included in the maximum allowable sign surface area.


    Maximum height. Ingress and egress signs shall not exceed four feet in height as measured from the top of the sign to the grade of the road nearest to the base of the sign.


    Permitted zoning classifications. See Table 1 following this article.





    Maximum number. A maximum of four flagpoles shall be permitted per each minimum parcel of land. Only one flag shall be allowed on a flagpole.


    Maximum size. Flag size shall be in relation to the height of the flagpole. The maximum height of any flag shall be 25 percent of the total height of the flagpole. The maximum length of any flag shall be the ratio of two to one (twice the height) of the flag.


    Maximum height. The maximum height of a flagpole shall be 32 feet.


    Setback. Flagpoles shall maintain a 15-foot setback from all property lines and a 25-foot setback from any intersection (street or driveway).


    Permitted zoning classifications. See Table 1 following this article.




    Banner content. It is not the intent of this section to regulate the copy or content of banners utilized at professional sports stadiums.


    Maximum banner area. At professional sports stadiums, there is no square footage limitation on the banner area. For all other banner usage the limitations stated in subsection 62-3317(5) shall be applied.


    Overlay districts. Signage for properties located within the overlay districts defined herein shall meet the following supplemental sign criteria:


    TU-2 zoning district—All properties within the TU-2 zoning classification.


    One freestanding sign may be permitted up to 250 square feet in area, if the property qualifies for more than one freestanding sign, the aggregate sign surface area shall not exceed 400 square feet.


    Maximum height of signs shall be based on the structural height thresholds specified in article VI of this chapter.


    Merritt Park Place subdivision in the Merritt Island redevelopment area—All properties within the Merritt Place subdivision.


    The maximum allowable sign surface area for each freestanding sign shall be 64 square feet.


    Freestanding signs in the Merritt Park Place subdivision shall maintain a minimum seven and one-half foot setback from all property lines, except where coincident with the SR 520 right-of-way line. Otherwise, all other provisions as described above shall apply.


    The Avenue—All properties within the PUD known as 'The Avenue', located in Viera.


    Total accumulative signage area (including window/wall signage, under-canopy signs, awning signage and freestanding sign opportunities) shall not exceed one and one-half square foot per linear foot of building frontage.


    Tenant signage which is "not readily visible" from a public street or adjacent property will not be considered as signage and not added to the accumulative signage area total.


    North Courtenay Parkway Corridor—All properties with street frontage along North Courtenay Parkway north of the Barge canal to the Kennedy Space Center shall meet the following supplemental criteria for the review of all permits applied for on or after the effective date of this article.


    One additional freestanding sign for every 500 feet of street frontage beyond the first 200 feet of frontage, to a maximum of three total freestanding signs.


    Freestanding signs shall be placed no closer than 500 feet apart on the same parcel or tract of land.


    Freestanding signs shall be encased within a structure that is architecturally related to and compatible with the main building and overall architectural design of the development.


    All freestanding signs shall be ground signs and such signs shall be no more than 12 feet in height. Sign surface area shall be limited to 100 square feet for individual businesses. For sites containing multiple businesses, sign surface area shall be limited to 120 square feet.


    Landscaping shall be integrated with each freestanding sign and irrigation supply shall be located within 100 feet of the sign.


    Internal lighting of signs is prohibited.


    The use of fluorescent or day-glo materials is prohibited.

(Code 1979, § 14-40(G); Ord. No. 97-39, § 7, 10-7-97; Ord. No. 98-30, § 4, 5-12-98; Ord. No. 99-24, §§ 11, 12, 4-8-99; Ord. No. 02-013, § 1, 3-19-02; Ord. No. 09-12, § 6, 4-14-09; Ord. No. 2011-03, § 2, 2-22-11; Ord. No. 2011-34, § 10, 12-13-11)