§ 62-3317. Temporary signs.  

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  • All temporary signs and portable signs shall require a permit, except where exempted in section 62-3307.


    Temporary signs.


    Maximum aggregate sign surface area. The maximum aggregate sign surface area shall not exceed 48 square feet per lot for temporary signs located within any residential zoning classification. The maximum allowable size for any temporary sign located on residentially zoned property shall not exceed 16 square feet. The maximum aggregate sign surface area for temporary signs located within any commercial or industrial zoned classifications shall not exceed 200 square feet per lot or site plan. Portable signs shall be included in determining the maximum aggregate sign surface area.


    Setback/size. Temporary signs located on private property shall meet the following criteria:


    If the temporary sign is located within five feet of the front (road frontage) property line, the temporary sign may be four square feet maximum and a maximum four feet in height measured from the ground.


    If the temporary sign is setback five to 15 feet, the temporary sign may be 32 square feet maximum and a maximum of ten feet in height measured from the ground. The temporary sign shall be located 25 feet or greater from any intersection (street or driveway).


    If the temporary sign is setback 15 to 25 feet, the temporary sign may be 40 square feet maximum and a maximum of 20 feet in height measured from the ground. The temporary sign shall be located 25 feet or greater from any intersection (street or driveway).


    If the temporary sign is setback 25 feet, the temporary sign may be 75 square feet maximum and a maximum of 32 feet in height measured from the ground. The temporary sign shall be located 25 feet or greater from any intersection (street or driveway).


    All temporary signs shall maintain a minimum 15-foot setback from all other property lines.


    Time limitation.


    Temporary signs subject to permitting requirements are not to be erected for more than 30 consecutive days per permit. No more than six temporary signs permits may be issued for location at a particular property within a 12-month period.


    Temporary signs exempt from permitting requirements and located on private property shall be posted as follows:


    Noncommercial temporary signs shall be removed or replaced every 30 days.


    Temporary political campaign signs shall be removed within seven days after (1) withdrawal from candidacy, (2) elimination from candidacy, or (3) election to office.


    All other temporary signs shall be removed within seven days after the completion of the event.


    Temporary signs located in county rights-of-way. Directional signs may be located in the county right-of-way to direct traffic to special events, garage sales and real estate model homes and open houses, subject to the following criteria:


    Size and construction—Special event and garage sale signs. Special event and garage sale directional signs may not exceed four square feet. Signs shall be constructed of durable, low-impact materials, such as lightweight metal, plastic or wood products.


    Size and construction—Model home and open house signs. Model home and open house directional signs may not exceed four square feet and shall be constructed of metal or similar durable material, principally supported by a freestanding frame placed in the ground. Industry sponsored, multilocation real estate competitions shall be considered special events for the purposes of this subsection.


    Maximum height. The height of the sign, measured from the ground to the top of the sign, shall not exceed four feet.


    Setback. Signs shall be set back at least five feet from the edge of pavement or the face of curb where applicable. Signs shall not be located closer than 25 feet from any intersecting right-of-way lines and shall not be placed in the median.


    Time limitation. Signs may be displayed only during actual hours of operation.


    Maximum number. A maximum of six signs per each event location may be posted pursuant to this subsection. One sign per named roadway may be posted to direct traffic to the subject location. However, along highways of four lanes or more, a maximum of two signs may be posted, one for each traveled direction. Subsequent signs may be posted at a change of direction.


    Portable signs.


    Maximum number. No more than three portable signs may be placed on the premises where an activity or event is taking place. Each portable sign shall be separated by a minimum distance of 100 feet. Such signs shall only use indirect lighting.


    Size. The maximum allowable size is 32 square feet, with a maximum allowable height of ten feet.


    Setback. Portable signs shall maintain a minimum setback of 15 feet from all property lines and 25 feet from any intersection (street or driveway).


    Time limitation. Portable signs shall not be erected for more than 30 consecutive days per permit. No more than four portable sign permits may be issued for location at a particular property within a 12-month period.


    Temporary construction signs.


    Maximum number. An on-site temporary construction sign may be erected per street frontage after a preliminary plat (each phase of a subdivision) or site plan has been approved for the development. Where the subject property has street frontage in excess of 200 linear feet, one additional sign shall be permitted for each 200-foot increment.


    Size. The maximum allowable sign surface area of a temporary construction sign shall be 50 square feet.


    Setback. Temporary construction signs shall maintain a minimum 15-foot setback from all property lines.


    Maximum height. The maximum height of any temporary construction sign shall be four feet, except where the sign is set back 25 feet or more from any adjacent right-of-way, where the maximum height shall be eight feet.


    Time limitation. Temporary construction signs shall be removed once 90 percent of the subdivision is sold or leased by the developer. All other temporary construction signs shall be removed prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy.


    Temporary off-premises directional signs. Temporary off-premises signs may be placed on vacant lots, tracts or parcels of land subject to the provisions of this subsection. The applicant shall have written permission of the owner prior to placing an off-premises construction sign on such vacant lot, parcel or tract of land.


    Temporary special event signs.


    Banners may be permitted in any zoning district. A cold air inflatable sign may be permitted in all zoning districts except residential zoning districts.


    A special event sign shall not exceed 75 square feet in copy area per sign face.


    Banner signs shall be securely anchored to buildings, poles, or other structural supports but shall not be permitted to be attached to electric, telephone or other utility poles, guys, or devices.


    Two banner signs may be permitted on a parcel and shall not exceed 20 feet in height.


    A special event sign shall not be erected more than five days prior to the special event which it advertises, identifies, or announces and it shall be removed not more than one day after the special event terminates.


    No more than one permit for a special event sign shall be issued for any one parcel, or site within a three-month period.


    A special event sign shall be set back at least ten feet from all property lines and 25 feet from any intersection (street or driveway).

(Code 1979, § 14-40(H); Ord. No. 97-39, § 4, 10-7-97; Ord. No. 03-47, § 7, 10-2-03; Ord. No. 2011-34, § 11, 12-13-11)