§ 62-845. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this division, the following words shall have the following meanings, unless some other meaning is plainly intended:

    Basic employment means that such jobs are substantially associated with the production of goods and/or the provision of services that are exported to consumers outside of the county, and as a result, derive revenues that support the local economy from outside the county.

    Capital improvement includes emergency medical services facilities planning, emergency medical services impact fee consultant studies, land acquisition, site improvements, buildings, vehicles and equipment, but excludes maintenance and operation.

    Commercial land use means those structures and facilities used by institutional and/or business enterprises that are engaged in the provision of goods and/or services to domestic and wholesale consumers whether for profit or not, such as the wholesale trade of both durable and nondurable goods; retail trade; finance, insurance and real estate services; business and personal services such as accounting, advertising and other business services, lodging, repair services, amusement and recreation services, legal services, medical services, educational services and other similar services; social services for individuals and families, including those providing residential care for children, the aged, the destitute and the physically, mentally and/or emotionally challenged; and membership organizations such as business and professional associations, civic, social and fraternal organizations and religious organizations. Commercial includes those institutional and/or business enterprises described in the North American Industry Classification System, 1997 edition, under Sector 11. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting; Sector 42. Wholesale Trade; Sector 44-45. Retail Trade; Sector 52. Finance and Insurance; Sector 53. Real Estate and Rental and Leasing; Sector 54. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services; Sector 55. Management of Companies and Enterprises; Subsector 561. Administrative and Support Services; Sector 61. Educational Services; Sector 62. Health Care and Social Assistance; Sector 71. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation; Sector 72. Accommodation and Food Services; and Sector 81. Other Services (except for Public Administration) excluding Subsector 814 Private Households.

    Feepayer means is a person commencing a land development activity by applying for a building permit.

    Industrial land use means those structures and facilities used by business enterprises engaged in mining, manufacturing, warehousing, or the provision of industrial services. Industrial includes those business enterprises described in the North American Industry Classification System, 1997 edition, under Sector 21. Mining; Sector 22. Utilities; Sector 23. Construction; Sector 31-33. Manufacturing; Sector. 48-49. Transportation and Warehousing; and Subsector 562. Waste Management and Remediation Services.

    Manufacturing means industrial operations that are engaged in the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products, characteristically using power driven machines and materials handling equipment. Manufacturing also means operations engaged in assembling component parts of manufactured products, if the new product is neither a structure nor other fixed improvement. Also included is the blending of material, such as lubricating oils, plastics, resins or liquors. A new product may be finished as in ready for utilization or consumption, or it may be semifinished to become a raw material for use in further manufacturing activities. Manufacturing products are not for direct sale to the domestic consumer.

    Residential means a structure or structures solely dedicated to the housing of a person or persons to live, cook and/or sleep within on a permanent basis, as either owner, renter or lessee provided, however, that adult congregate living facilities, retirement homes, nursing homes and other structures operated by a social service organization to provide residential care to children, the aged, the destitute and the physically, mentally and/or emotionally challenged shall be considered to be commercial land uses as defined herein.

(Ord. No. 01-021, § 34, 4-4-01; Ord. No. 01-41, § 7, 8-28-01)