§ 62-1108. Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It is the purpose and intent of this article to consolidate the power, authority, procedure and regulations contained in various local laws relating to the county, and regulations and ordinances enacted and adopted by the board of county commissioners, into a uniform and comprehensive ordinance relating to the establishment of comprehensive zoning regulations and land use controls.


    This article is adopted in recognition of the established zoning regulations of the county enacted under the authority of various local laws and, except as such regulations are specifically amended in this article, is not intended to affect the force or validity of such regulations and ordinances and the comprehensive zoning and land use regulations promulgated under the authority of such local laws. The intent of the board of county commissioners is to continue the land use and zoning regulations and comprehensive zoning previously established in the county under the consolidated and comprehensive procedures, powers and regulations contained in this article.


    The uniform, comprehensive and consolidated procedures, powers and regulations contained in this article are intended to provide for the promotion of the general public health, safety, comfort and welfare; to provide for the division of the unincorporated areas of the county into zoning classifications; to regulate, determine and establish the height, size, location, relocation, erection, construction, repair, alteration and use of buildings and other structures within each district or zoning classification; to establish and control the use of land within each zoning classification for trade, industry, manufacturing, agriculture, residence and other specified uses; to determine, establish and control the use of bodies of navigable and nonnavigable waterways for trade, industry, residence, recreation and other specified uses; to establish and control the density of population; to control the size of yards, courts and open spaces to provide for adequate light and air; to secure safety from fire, flood, panic and other dangers; to ensure that adequate provisions are established to provide for transportation, drainage, sanitation, water supply, sewerage, other public utilities, schools, recreational facilities and further public requirements; and to prescribe penalties for the violation of this article.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.03)