§ 62-1186. Nonconforming mobile home parks.  

Latest version.
  • Regardless of zoning classification, the replacement of a mobile home in a mobile home park that is nonconforming shall not be considered an enlargement, expansion, increase or extension of a nonconforming use and shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:


    Replacement or initial placement of a mobile home on a mobile home site pursuant to an approved site development plan, where the site development plan was filed and all applicable fees paid prior to September 8, 1988, shall be permitted, provided that a building permit is obtained prior to the placement of the unit.


    All other nonconforming mobile home parks shall be allowed to replace units based upon the following criteria:


    A permit from the county building division shall be obtained prior to the replacement of any existing mobile unit.


    A permit shall not be issued for a replacement unit until a dimensioned drawing on a boundary survey for the entire park is submitted to the land development division, identifying, locating and numbering all structures and mobile units. The boundary survey shall accurately reflect the current boundaries of the property. The property owner shall submit an affidavit attesting that the information reflected on the dimensioned drawing is true and correct to the best of his knowledge.


    The minimum size for all replacement units shall be 500 square feet.


    Recreational vehicles, pickup coaches, camping trailers, tents and other forms of temporary housing shall not be permitted unless the park has those amenities needed to ensure public health and safety as set forth in state statutes and Florida Administrative Code.


    Replacement mobile homes and all extensions thereto shall be set back ten feet from all other structures and mobile homes, 25 feet from all public rights-of-way, three feet from the pavement edges of private roads within the park and 15 feet from the property lines of the park. Where the private road is not paved, the three-foot setback shall be measured from the edge of the road as shown on the approved survey or dimensioned drawing.


    Existing parks which are nonconforming by design may only be extended, expanded or enlarged within the TR-3 zoning classification where redesign of the park will be in substantial conformance with the TR-3 requirements and, at a minimum, with the requirements of this section. Site plans of the existing park and the proposed redesign shall be submitted to the county for approval prior to any action or redesign. The creation of new mobile home sites resulting in the expansion, enlargement or extension of the existing park onto land not encompassed within the developed and zoned area depicted on the survey or dimensioned drawing shall not be permitted.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the replacement of a mobile home where the future land use map of the county comprehensive plan does not permit residential development shall be prohibited.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.38(G); Ord. No. 97-49, § 5, 12-9-97; Ord. No. 99-07, § 6, 1-28-99)