SubDivision I. General Provisions
§ 62-1301. Review of use (ROU).
§§ 62-1302—62-1330. Reserved.
SubDivision II. Unimproved, Agricultural and Residential
§ 62-1331. General use, GU.
§ 62-1332. Productive agricultural, PA.
§ 62-1333. Agricultural, AGR.
§ 62-1334. Agricultural residential, AU and AU(L).
§ 62-1334.5. Agricultural rural residential, ARR.
§ 62-1335. Rural estate use, REU.
§ 62-1336. Rural residential, RR-1.
§ 62-1337. Suburban estate residential use, SEU.
§ 62-1338. Suburban residential, SR.
§ 62-1339. Estate use residential, EU, EU-1 and EU-2.
§ 62-1340. Single-family residential, RU-1-13 and RU-1-11.
§ 62-1341. Single-family residential, RU-1-9.
§ 62-1342. Single-family residential, RU-1-7.
§ 62-1343. Single-family attached residential, RA-2-4, RA-2-6, RA-2-8 and RA-2-10.
§ 62-1344. Residential-professional, RP.
§§ 62-1345—62-1370. Reserved.
SubDivision III. Multiple-Family Residential
§ 62-1371. Low-density multiple-family residential, RU-2-4, RU-2-6 and RU-2-8.
§ 62-1372. Medium-density multiple-family residential, RU-2-10, RU-2-12 and RU-2-15.
§ 62-1373. High-density multiple-family residential, RU-2-30.
§§ 62-1374—62-1400. Reserved.
SubDivision IV. Mobile Home Residential and Recreational Vehicle Park
§ 62-1401. Rural residential mobile home, RRMH-1, RRMH-2.5 and RRMH-5.
§ 62-1402. Single-family mobile home, TR-1 and TR-1-A.
§ 62-1403. Single-family mobile home, TR-2.
§ 62-1404. Mobile home park, TR-3.
§ 62-1405. Single-family mobile home cooperative, TRC-1.
§ 62-1406. Recreational vehicle park, RVP.
§§ 62-1407—62-1440. Reserved.
SubDivision V. Planned Unit Developments
§ 62-1441. PUD—Definitions and rules of construction.
§ 62-1442. Same—Purpose and intent.
§ 62-1443. Same—Permitted uses.
§ 62-1443.5. Same—Accessory buildings and uses.
§ 62-1444. Same—Conditional uses.
§ 62-1445. Same—Maintenance and operation of common facilities and common open space.
§ 62-1446. Same—Land use regulations.
§ 62-1447. Reserved.
§ 62-1448. Same—Approval of preliminary development plan and tentative zoning.
§ 62-1449. Same—Approval of final development plan; site plans.
§ 62-1450. Same—Review of physical layout and amenities.
§ 62-1451. Reserved.
§ 62-1452. Reserved.
§ 62-1453. Same—Termination of PUD zone.
§ 62-1454. Reserved.
§ 62-1455. Same—Transfer of development rights.
§§ 62-1456—62-1460. Reserved.
§ 62-1461. RPUD—Definitions and rules of construction.
§ 62-1462. Same—Purpose and intent.
§ 62-1463. Same—Rezoning and permitted uses.
§ 62-1463.5. Same—Accessory buildings and uses.
§ 62-1464. Same—Conditional uses.
§ 62-1465. Same—Maintenance and operation of common facilities and common open space.
§ 62-1466. Same—Land use regulations.
§ 62-1467. Same—Approval of RPUD development plan.
§ 62-1468. Same—Administrative filing of final engineered RPUD development plan; site plans.
§ 62-1469. Same—Review of physical layout and amenities.
§ 62-1470. Same—Termination of RPUD zone.
§ 62-1471. THPUD—Definitions and rules of construction.
§ 62-1472. Same—Purpose and intent.
§ 62-1473. Same—Permitted uses.
§ 62-1473.5. Same—Accessory buildings and uses.
§ 62-1474. Same—Conditional uses.
§ 62-1475. Same—Maintenance and operation of common facilities and common open space.
§ 62-1476. Same—Land use regulations.
§ 62-1477. Same—Approval of preliminary development plan and tentative zoning.
§ 62-1478. Same—Approval of final development plan; site plans.
§ 62-1479. Same—Review of physical layout and amenities.
§ 62-1480. Same—Termination of THPUD zone.
SubDivision VI. Commercial
§ 62-1481. Restricted neighborhood retail commercial, BU-1-A.
§ 62-1482. General retail commercial, BU-1.
§ 62-1483. Retail, warehousing and wholesale commercial, BU-2.
§§ 62-1484—62-1510. Reserved.
SubDivision VII. Tourist Commercial and Transient Tourist Use
§ 62-1511. General tourist commercial, TU-1.
§ 62-1512. Transient tourist commercial, TU-2.
§§ 62-1513—62-1539. Reserved.
SubDivision VIII. Industrial
§ 62-1540. Industrial uses permitted with conditions and conditional uses.
§ 62-1541. Planned business park, PBP.
§ 62-1542. Planned industrial park, PIP.
§ 62-1543. Light industrial, IU.
§ 62-1544. Heavy industrial, IU-1.
§§ 62-1545—62-1570. Reserved.
SubDivision IX. Special Classifications
§ 62-1571. Environmental areas, EA.
§ 62-1572. Government managed lands, GML.
§ 62-1573. Institutional Use, IN(L) and IN(H).
§ 62-1574. Farmton mixed use zoning overlay district, FARM-1.
§§ 62-1575—62-1800. Reserved.