§ 62-1343. Single-family attached residential, RA-2-4, RA-2-6, RA-2-8 and RA-2-10.  

Latest version.
  • The RA-2-4, RA-2-6, RA-2-8 and RA-2-10 single-family attached residential zoning classifications provide a transition between single-family residential detached zoning classifications and multifamily residential zoning classifications, permitting fee simple ownership of individual attached units. The intent is to provide flexibility for a variety of architectural styles which share a party wall and are constructed in accordance with the Standard Building Code for townhouses.


    Permitted uses.


    Permitted uses are as follows:

    Single-family attached residential dwellings.

    Single-family detached residential dwellings.

    Parks and public recreational facilities.

    Private golf courses.

    Foster homes.

    Resort dwellings.

    Sewer lift stations.


    Permitted uses with conditions are as follows (see division 5, subdivision II, of this article):

    Group homes, level I, subject to the requirements set forth in section 62-1835.9.

    Power substations, telephone exchanges and transmission facilities.

    Preexisting use.

    Private parks and playgrounds.

    Temporary living quarters during construction of a residence.


    Accessory buildings or uses. Accessory buildings and uses customary to residential uses are permitted. (Refer to definition cited in section 62-1102 and standards cited in section 62-2100.5).


    Conditional uses. Conditional uses are as follows:

    Bed and breakfast inn.

    Change of nonconforming agricultural use.

    Development rights receipt and transfer.

    Efficiencies, not to exceed 25 percent of the total units on the site, and with a minimum floor area of 280 square feet.

    Garage apartments (must stay within density limitations).

    Land alteration (over five acres and up to ten acres).

    Recreational/residential marina.

    Substantial expansion of a preexisting use.

    Wireless telecommunication facilities and broadcast towers.


    Development standards and criteria.


    Maximum density. Maximum density is as follows:


    RA-2-4: Four dwelling units per gross acre.


    RA-2-6: Six dwelling units per gross acre.


    RA-2-8: Eight dwelling units per gross acre.


    RA-2-10: Ten dwelling units per gross acre.


    Minimum development requirements.


    Minimum site area is 7,500 square feet for a single-family detached unit. All other residential uses must meet density guidelines.


    Minimum site width is 75 feet.


    Minimum site depth is 100 feet.


    Maximum site coverage (building or structure) is 40 percent.


    Minimum interior lot size within a site is 1,800 square feet.


    Minimum interior lot width is 15 feet.


    Primary building and structure limitations are as follows:


    The number of individual units shall not exceed ten units per primary building or structure.


    Minimum floor area for a single-family dwelling unit is 1,000 square feet. Minimum floor area for a single-family attached residential unit is 575 square feet for a one-bedroom unit, plus 140 square feet for each additional bedroom.


    Structural height standards are as follows:

    (a) Where the property abuts any other land located in the GU, AGR, AU, ARR, REU, RU-1-7, RU-1-9, RU-1-11, RU-1-13, RR-1, EU, EU-1, EU-2, SEU, SR, RVP, TR-1-A, TR-1, TR-2, TR-3, TRC-1, RRMH-1, RRMH-2.5, RRMH-5, EA, PA or GML zoning classification, the maximum height threshold of any structure or building thereon shall be 35 feet.

    (b) Where the property abuts any other land located in the RA-2-4, RA-2-6, RA-2-8, RA-2-10, RU-2-4, RU-2-6, RU-2-8, RU-2-10, RU-2-12, RU-2-15, RU-2-30, RP, BU-1-A, BU-1, BU-2, PBP, PIP, IU, IU-1, TU-1 or TU-2 zoning classification, the maximum height threshold of any structure or building thereon shall be 45 feet.

    (c) Where any structure or building exceeds 35 feet in height, all conditions enumerated in section 62-2101.5 as applicable shall be fully satisfied.

    (d) Structures or buildings may not exceed the maximum height thresholds stated in this subsection unless otherwise permitted by section 62-2101.5.


    For primary buildings or structures, maximum length shall not exceed 205 feet.


    Each unit shall have a separate external unit access not common to any other unit within a multiple-unit structure.




    Perimeter setback. Except for detached single family developments, the setback shall be 25 feet from a property line that abuts property located in any detached single family residential zoning classification.


    Street or roadway setback. No structure shall be located within 25 feet of a public right-of-way.


    Interior lot setbacks (within a site). The front setback shall be 20 feet, the rear setback shall be 20 feet, except for screen porches, which shall be set back not less than ten feet from the rear lot line, and the side setbacks where adjacent to the perimeter of the site shall be ten feet. The side setback on interior corner lots shall be at least 15 feet from the side lot line. If an interior corner lot is contiguous to a key lot, setbacks shall not be less than 20 feet.


    Swimming pools. Swimming pools are exempt from all setback provisions where located within the rear yard of the interior lot.


    Spacing between primary buildings or structures. Spacing between primary buildings or structures shall be as follows:


    Two stories or less: 15 feet.


    Three stories: 25 feet.


    Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings shall be located to the rear of the front building line of the principal building and no closer than ten feet to the rear and side lot lines, but in no case within the setbacks from a side street. There shall be a minimum spacing of five feet between any other structure on the same site.


    Breezeway/visual corridor. All riverfront and oceanfront properties are subject to breezeway/visual corridor regulations enumerated in section 62-2105.


    Fencing for single-family attached structures. Fencing in excess of four feet in height shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the front property line or side lot line of a corner lot. Other restrictions are outlined in section 62-2109.


    Site plan and platting requirements.


    A detailed site plan in accordance with article VIII of this chapter shall be submitted.


    Platting is required in this classification. A preliminary plat shall be submitted and considered for approval simultaneously with the required site plan. All platting procedures pursuant to article VII of this chapter, pertaining to subdivisions, shall be complied with. Common areas shall be identified on the plat along with the methods for their access, ownership and maintenance.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.08(M); Ord. No. 95-47, §§ 26, 27, 10-19-95; Ord. No. 95-49, §§ 18, 23, 10-19-95; Ord. No. 96-16, §§ 29, 30, 3-28-96; Ord. No. 98-08, § 2, 2-10-98; Ord. No. 98-12, § 6, 2-26-98; Ord. No. 99-07, §§ 11, 12, 1-28-99; Ord. No. 01-30, § 1, 5-24-01; Ord. No. 2002-49, §§ 15, 16, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 2003-03, § 16, 1-14-03; Ord. No. 04-29, § 16, 8-5-04; Ord. No. 04-33, § 1, 8-10-04; Ord. No. 2004-52, § 14, 12-14-04; Ord. No. 05-27, § 3, 5-19-05; Ord. No. 05-40, § 1, 8-23-05; Ord. No. 2007-59, § 19, 12-6-07; Ord. No. 2010-22, § 6, 11-23-10; Ord. No. 2014-30, § 2, 10-2-14)