§ 62-1402. Single-family mobile home, TR-1 and TR-1-A.  

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  • The TR-1 and TR-1-A single-family mobile home zoning classifications encompass land devoted to single-family mobile homes.


    Permitted uses.


    Permitted uses are as follows:

    Single-family mobile home units.

    Single-family detached dwelling units with minimum floor area of 600 square feet.

    Foster homes.

    Parks and public recreational facilities.


    Permitted uses with conditions are as follows (see division 5, subdivision II, of this article):

    Group homes, level I, subject to the requirements set forth in section 62-1835.9.

    Power substations, telephone exchanges and transmission facilities.

    Preexisting use.

    Temporary living quarters during construction of a residence.


    Accessory buildings or uses. Accessory buildings and uses customary to residential uses are permitted. (Refer to definition cited in section 62-1102 and standards cited in section 62-2100.5).


    Conditional uses. Conditional uses are as follows:

    Change of nonconforming agricultural use.

    Land alteration (over five acres and up to ten acres).

    Residential/recreational marina.

    Sewer lift stations.

    Single-family residential second kitchen facility.

    Substantial expansion of a preexisting use.

    Wireless telecommunication facilities and broadcast towers.


    Minimum lot size. Minimum lot size is as follows:

    Classification Lot size
    (square feet)
    TR-1 7,500 65 100
    TR-1-A 5,000 50 100


    The platting of diagonal lots in mobile home subdivisions is prohibited.


    Setbacks from property lines.


    Setbacks from property lines shall be as follows:

    Classification Front
    TR-1 25 20 7.5
    TR-1-A 25 20 5



    On a corner lot, the side street setback shall be not less than 15 feet, including accessory buildings. If a corner lot is contiguous to a key lot, then the side street setback shall be not less than 25 feet, including accessory buildings.


    Detached accessory buildings shall be located to the rear of the front building line of the principal building or structure and shall be set back not less than seven and one-half feet (or five feet for the TR-1-A classification) from the rear and side lot lines, but in no case within the setback from a side street, with a minimum spacing of five feet.


    Minimum living area. Minimum living area is 600 square feet.


    Maximum height of structures. Maximum height of structures is 35 feet.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.10(B); Ord. No. 95-47, §§ 38, 39, 10-19-95; Ord. No. 95-49, §§ 18, 23, 10-19-95; Ord. No. 96-16, §§ 41, 42, 3-28-96; Ord. No. 98-08, § 2, 2-10-98; Ord. No. 2000-03, § 12, 1-11-00; Ord. No. 2002-49, § 22, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 2003-03, § 22, 1-14-03; Ord. No. 04-29, § 22, 8-5-04; Ord. No. 2004-52, § 19, 12-14-04; Ord. No. 2007-59, § 25, 12-6-07; Ord. No. 2014-30, § 2, 10-2-14)