§ 62-1572. Government managed lands, GML.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of the GML government managed lands zoning classification is to recognize the presence of lands and facilities which are managed by federal, state and local government, special districts, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) providing economic, environmental and/or quality of life benefits to the county, electric, natural gas, water and wastewater utilities that are either publicly owned or regulated by the Public Service Commission, and related entities. Activities encompassed within this classification include but are not limited to aviation, education and public services. Emphasis is on protecting existing and future public and private investments, as well as ensuring that such activities are managed in accordance with the comprehensive plan and any regulations or ordinances relating to such activity. A concept plan may be required.


    Permitted uses. Each application for government managed lands zoning shall designate the intended use of the property as either Parks and Conservation (P), Institutional (I), Utility (U), or High-Intensity (H). The parks and conservation designation shall include active and passive recreational uses as well as permanent or temporary conservation uses. The institutional use designation shall include offices, schools, meeting rooms, parking garages, police and fire stations, and hospitals. The utility designation shall include electric, natural gas, water and wastewater utilities that are either publicly owned or regulated by the Public Service Commission. The high-intensity designation includes industrial activities, correctional facilities, ports, airports or other transportation hubs and other high-intensity activities which are not considered institutional uses. Proposed conversions of any property zoned GML but not containing the (P), (I), (U), or (H) suffix designation to a more intense use will require a rezoning.


    The following is a list of uses permitted within this classification, as well as the required use designation:

    Administrative offices for government or other public agencies. (I)

    Cemeteries and mausoleums. (I)

    Fire stations. (I)

    Group homes, levels I and II. (I)

    Historical landmarks, sites and memorials. (I)

    Libraries. (I)

    Nongovernmental organizations conducting life science, ocean, coastal and marine research, or environmental science research in partnership with a government entity. (I)

    Parking lots or garages. (I)

    Parks and recreational facilities. (P)

    Ports and related activities. (H)

    Post offices. (I)

    Preservation and wildlife management. (P)

    Public golf courses. (P)

    Public museums. (I)

    Public schools. (I)

    Sewer lift stations. (H)

    Space-related activities. (H)

    Towers and antennae. (P), (I), (U), (H)

    Wellfields and water towers. (H)


    The following uses require the high-intensity use designation and are permitted subject to development standards set forth for the light industrial zoning classification as delineated in section 62-1543:

    Bus line shops and storage.

    Laboratories and other facilities for research.

    Printing, engraving and other reproduction processes, as well as publishing and distribution of printed material.

    Public utility rights-of-way and publicly owned structures and garages.

    Warehousing and storage yards.

    Other similar public buildings and facilities.


    Within the high intensity use designation, permitted uses with conditions are as follows (see division 5, subdivision II of this article):

    Dredged material management areas.


    Within either the institutional or high intensity use designations, permitted uses with conditions are as follows (see division 5, subdivision II, of this article):

    Assisted living facilities.

    Athletic complexes and stadiums.



    Recovered materials processing facility.


    Within either the parks and conservation, institutional, or high intensity use designations, permitted uses with conditions are as follows (see division 5, subdivision II, of this article):

    Cattle grazing.


    Accessory uses. Uses secondary and incidental to permitted uses are permitted, including but not limited to the following:

    Caretaker's or watchman's residence.

    Dining and recreational facilities for occupants of a site.

    Laundry facilities.

    Parking garages.

    Power plants.

    Machine shops.

    Maintenance shops.

    Temporary security trailer.


    Conditional uses. The following conditional uses require the high-intensity (H) or utility (U) use designation, as indicated. Conditional uses are as follows:

    Airports and aviation-related activities, including industrial parks, subject to the development standards set forth in section 62-1544.

    Arsenals and explosives. (H)

    Composting facility. (H)

    Convention, civic or exhibition center. (H)

    Electric, natural gas, water and wastewater utilities. (U)

    Hazardous waste facility. (H)

    Land alteration (over five acres and up to 30 acres). (H)

    Manufacturing, processing and storage of asphalt and asphalt products, sand and gravel, subject to development standards set forth in section 62-1544. (H)

    Motorcross. (H)

    Mulching facility. (H)

    Prison camp correctional facilities. (H)

    Residential/recreational marina. (H)

    Solid waste management facilities. (H)

    Water and sewage treatment facilities. (H)

    Zoological parks. (H)


    Minimum floor area. All principal structures shall contain at least 300 square feet of floor area.


    Minimum lot size. An area of not less than 7,500 square feet is required, having a width and depth of at least 75 feet.


    Setbacks. The front setback shall be 25 feet from the property line, the rear setback shall be 20 feet, and the side setbacks shall be ten feet. The side setback for corner lots shall be 15 feet from the side lot line which abuts a road. If a corner lot is contiguous to a key lot, the side setback shall be not less than 25 feet.


    Structural height standards.


    Where the property abuts any other land located in the GU, AGR, AU, ARR, REU, RU-1-7, RU-1-9, RU-1-11, RU-1-13, RR-1, EU, EU-1, EU-2, SEU, SR, RVP, TR-1-A, TR-1, TR-2, TR-3, TRC-1, RRMH-1, RRMH-2.5, RRMH-5, EA, PA or GML zoning classification, the maximum height threshold of any structure or building thereon shall be 35 feet.


    Where the property abuts any other land located in the RA-2-4, RA-2-6, RA-2-8, RA-2-10, RU-2-4, RU-2-6, RU-2-8, RU-2-10, RU-2-12, RP or BU-1-A zoning classification, the maximum height threshold of any structure or building thereon shall be 45 feet.


    Where the property abuts any other land located in the RU-2-15, RU-2-30, BU-1, BU-2, PIP, PBP, IU, IU-1, TU-1 or TU-2 zoning classification, the maximum height threshold of any structure or building thereon shall be 60 feet.


    Where any structure or building exceeds 35 feet in height, all conditions enumerated in section 62-2101.5 as applicable shall be fully satisfied.


    Structures or buildings may not exceed the maximum height thresholds stated in this subsection unless otherwise permitted by section 62-2101.5.


    Towers owned or operated by the county for public service and public safety purposes are exempt from Section 62-2101.5 and all height limitations in this subsection.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.15(B); Ord. No. 95-47, §§ 70, 71, 10-19-95; Ord. No. 97-41, § 1, 10-14-97; Ord. No. 98-11, § 8, 2-26-98; Ord. No. 98-62, § 7, 12-3-98; Ord. No. 01-30, § 18, 5-24-01; Ord. No. 2003-03, § 30, 1-14-03; Ord. No. 03-18, § 1, 4-29-03; Ord. No. 04-29, § 32, 8-5-04; Ord. No. 2004-52, § 31, 12-4-04; Ord. No. 06-26, § 2, 5-4-06; Ord. No. 2007-59, § 5, 12-6-07; Ord. No. 08-40, § 1, 10-2-08; Ord. No. 2010-22, § 4, 11-23-10; Ord. No. 2013-28, § 1, 8-1-13)