§ 62-1442. Same—Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The planned unit development is a concept which encourages and permits variation in development by allowing deviation in development standards such as, but not limited to, lot size, bulk or type of dwellings, density, lot coverage and open space from that required in any one residential zoning classification under this article. The purpose of a planned unit development is to encourage the development of planned residential neighborhoods and communities that provide a full range of residence types, as well as industrial, commercial and institutional land uses. It is recognized that only through ingenuity, imagination and flexibility can residential developments be produced which are in keeping with the intent of this subdivision while departing from the strict application of conventional use and dimension requirements of other zoning districts or other land development regulations in articles II, VI, VII, VIII, IX, or XIII of chapter 62 of the Brevard County Code.


    This subdivision is intended to establish procedures and standards for planned unit developments within the unincorporated areas of the county, in order that the following objectives may be attained:


    Accumulation of significant areas of usable open spaces for the preservation of natural amenities.


    Flexibility in design to take the greatest advantage of natural land, trees, historical features and other features.


    Creation of a variety of housing types and compatible neighborhood arrangements that give the home buyer greater choice in selecting types of environment and living units.


    Allowance of sufficient freedom for the developer to take a creative approach to the use of land and related physical development, as well as utilizing innovative techniques to enhance the visual character of the county.


    Efficient use of land which may result in smaller street and utility networks and reduce development costs.


    Establishment of criteria for the inclusion of compatible associated uses to complement the residential areas within the planned unit development.


    Simplification of the procedure for obtaining approval of proposed developments through simultaneous review by the county of proposed land use, site considerations, lot and setback considerations, public needs and requirements, and health and safety factors.


    In order to accomplish the objectives of this section, the applicant of a PUD may propose, and the county may consider, alternative development standards to any land development regulation in articles VI or VII of chapter 62 of the Brevard County Code. Where the PUD is part of a development of regional impact, the applicant may also propose alternative development standards to any land development regulation in articles II, VIII, IX, or XIII of chapter 62 of the Brevard County Code, in addition to those in articles VI or VII. The applicant shall justify the proposed alternative development standard(s) by describing how it promotes a development form facilitating the goals and objectives of article VI of this chapter and does not violate the purpose of this chapter for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare in the subdivision of land. The applicant shall specifically include the alternative development standard(s) in the preliminary development plan, and shall present its justification to the planning and zoning board and board of county commissioners in public hearing.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.11(A); Ord. No. 95-48, § 1, 10-19-95; Ord. No. 09-35, § 1, 12-15-09)