§ 62-1461. RPUD—Definitions and rules of construction.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of these sections, through certain words and terms used, shall be defined as provided in this section. Words used in the present tense shall include the future tense, words used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and words used in the plural number shall include the singular number. The word "shall" is mandatory. The word "person" includes any individual, group of persons, firm, corporation, association or organization, and any legal public entity.

    Common open space means a parcel or parcels of land, or a combination of land and water, within the site designated as a residential planned unit development, and designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents of the planned unit development. Common open space shall be integrated throughout the entire residential planned unit development to provide for a continuous, contiguous, and physically linked recreational/open space system. Physical linkages shall include a combination of continuous pedestrian ways, sidewalks, bikeways, multi-purpose trails, and greenways that link each residential unit, multifamily structure, or non-residential structure to the common open space system. All common open space shall complement the residential uses and may contain compatible and complementary structures for the benefit and enjoyment of the residents of the planned unit development. Areas within structure setback yards, rights-of-way, and parking lots are not counted as common open space, except when a proposed RPUD development project is less than 10 acres in size.

    RPUD Development plan means the total site plan of the residential planned unit development drawn in conformity with the requirements of this subdivision. The development plan shall specify and clearly illustrate the location, relationship, design, nature and character of all primary and secondary uses, public and private easements, structures, parking areas, public and private roads, common open space, pedestrian ways, sidewalks, bikeways, multipurpose trails, and their internal continuous physical linkages. External and continuous physical linkages of pedestrian ways, sidewalks, bikeways, and multi-purpose trails to existing public right of way, approved bikeway plan, or any county adopted open space or pedestrian/bike way plan shall also be shown. Security controlled access stations or devices may be located on bicycle and pedestrian facilities that are on, and enter privately owned and maintained common open space from county right of way or any county adopted open space or pedestrian/bikeway plan corridor designated within the County Greenways and Trails Master Plan.

    Final engineered RPUD development plan means the engineered development plan approved administratively by county staff, as designated by the county manager, and filed with the county planning and zoning office according to the provisions of this subdivision, or the approved engineered development plan for any stage or tract within the RPUD.

    Residential planned unit development and RPUD means an area of land developed as a single entity or in approved stages in conformity with a final engineered RPUD development plan by a developer or group of developers acting jointly, which is totally planned to provide for a variety of residential and compatible uses and common open space.

    Development plan application means the application for administrative site plan approval for the residential planned unit development (RPUD) and for approval of the required exhibits as specified in this subdivision.

    Tract means an area delineated within a stage, except single-unit lots, which is separate unto itself, having a specific legal description of its boundaries. A tract will delineate all land uses such as common open space, recreational areas, residential areas (except single-unit lots), commercial areas and all other applicable areas.

(Ord. No. 2000-61, § 2, 12-7-00)