§ 62-1471. THPUD—Definitions and rules of construction.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this subdivision, certain words and terms used in this subdivision shall be defined as provided in this section. Words used in the present tense shall include the future tense, words used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and words used in the plural number shall include the singular number. The word "shall" is mandatory. The word "person" includes any individual, group of persons, firm, corporation, association or organization, and any legal public entity.

    Common open space means a parcel or parcels of land, or a combination of land and water, within the site designated as a planned unit development, and designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents of the planned unit development. Common open space shall be integrated throughout the planned unit development to provide for a linked recreational/open space system. All common open space shall complement the residential uses and may contain compatible and complementary structures for the benefit and enjoyment of the residents of the planned unit development.

    THPUD development plan means the total site plan of the tiny house planned unit development drawn in conformity with the requirements of this subdivision. The development plan shall specify and clearly illustrate the location, relationship, design, nature and character of all primary and secondary uses, public and private easements, structures, parking areas, public and private roads and common open space.

    Development schedule means a comprehensive statement showing the type and extent of development proposed and the order in which development is to be undertaken. A development schedule shall contain an exact description of the relative order of development of residential, common open space and other improvements. The purpose of the development schedule is to assure that required open space is developed at a rate commensurate with the residential uses it supports.

    Final engineered development plan means the engineered subdivision plan approved by the board of county commissioners and recorded with the clerk of the circuit court of the county according to the provisions of this subdivision for any stage or tract within the THPUD.

    Tiny house planned unit development and THPUD means an area of land developed as a single entity or in approved stages in conformity with a final development plan by a developer or group of developers acting jointly, which is totally planned to provide for a variety of residential uses and common open space.

    Preliminary development plan means the development plan approved by the board of county commissioners and filed with approval by the county of a tiny house planned unit development zoning classification on the official zoning map of the county.

    Preliminary development plan application means the application for zoning approval of the use of a site as a tiny house planned unit development and for approval of the required exhibits as specified in this subdivision.

    Tract means an area delineated within a stage, except single-unit lots, which is separate unto itself, having a specific legal description of its boundaries. A tract will delineate all land uses such as common open space, recreational areas, residential areas (except single-unit lots) and all other applicable areas.

(Ord. No. 2018-27, § 10, 12-4-18)