§ 62-1826. Assisted living facilities and treatment and recovery facilities.  

Latest version.
  • Assisted living facilities and treatment and recovery facilities. Assisted living facilities and treatment and recovery facilities shall comply with the following requirements, where applicable:


    Dispersal of facilities. The minimum distance between facilities, measured from the property line, shall be 1,000 feet.


    Neighborhood compatibility. In the institutional zoning classification, the external appearance of the assisted living facility's or treatment and recovery facility's structures and building sites shall maintain the general character of the area. Exterior building materials, bulk, landscaping, fences and walls and general design shall be compatible with those of surrounding dwellings.


    Facility standards.


    Prior to the granting of any permit for assisted living facilities or treatment and recovery facilities, the state department of health and rehabilitative services shall verify compliance with the following standards:


    There shall be not less than 250 square feet of floor space per assigned resident.


    There shall be one bathroom per two bedrooms. The bedroom square footage shall be not less than 75 square feet per assigned resident.


    Centralized cooking and dining facilities shall equal 30 square feet per assigned resident.


    If the request for a permit for assisted living facilities or treatment and recovery facilities is for a structure to be built, floor plans of the structure shall be submitted and approved prior to issuance of the permit.




    Off-street parking. There shall be two parking spaces, plus two additional parking spaces for every five occupants for which the facility is permitted.


    Compliance with state regulations. Violations of applicable statutes and regulations of the state shall be deemed violations of this division.

(Ord. No. 04-29, § 38, 8-5-04)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 04-29, § 38, adopted August 5, 2004, amended § 62-1903 in its entirety, and redesignated the provisions as § 62-1826. Formerly, § 62-1903 pertained to adult congregate living facilities and treatment and recovery facilities, and derived from the Code of 1979, § 14-20.16.2(B)(2); Ord. No. 97-49, § 12, adopted December 9, 1997, and Ord. No. 2003-03, § 32, adopted January 14, 2003.