§ 62-1831.1. Cattle grazing.  

Latest version.
  • Cattle grazing in the GML (P), GML (I), and GML (H) zoning classifications is permitted contingent upon the following conditions:


    Property zoned for agricultural use (AGR, PA or AU) adjoins the subject property.


    Future land use map densities abutting the subject land do not exceed two dwelling units per acre. The minimum site size shall be ten acres.


    The site must be enclosed by a fence that will prohibit the movement of cattle from the subject land to other properties. The fence shall not consist of barbed wire where adjacent to residentially developed land.


    The applicant shall submit a management plan to the local USDA office. The USDA, based upon best management practices (BMP) for cattle grazing, will assist the applicant in determining the optimal number of cattle that the site could support. The total number of cattle to be grazed on site shall not exceed the number determined by the USDA using BMP.

(Ord. No. 03-18, § 3, 4-29-03)