§ 62-1837.5. Self storage mini-warehouses.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In the Merritt Island Redevelopment Area, this use is prohibited on parcels with frontage on State Road 520.


    Where this use is located in the BU-1 (general retail commercial) zoning classification, the following conditions are required to ensure that the design and use of a self storage mini-warehouse facility occur in a manner that is compatible with the physical and visual characteristics of the BU-1 zoning classification. The following conditions shall apply.


    No unit within a self storage mini-warehouse shall be utilized as a place of business. No business tax receipt, other than that of the self storage mini-warehouse operator, shall be approved for a business operation on the property.


    No utilities, namely, electricity, water, telephone, cable TV, or gas, will be provided to the individual units. Lighting and air conditioning may be located in the hallways only.


    In addition to height restrictions as described in the BU-1 zoning classification, structural heights shall be further limited by the heights of adjacent off-site buildings to the side or rear of the property. Where only one structure is contemplated on site, height is limited to the height of the lowest principle structure on any adjacent parcel. Where more than one structure is proposed on site, the height of each structure is limited to the height of the lowest principle structure on the closest parcel. Where the adjacent parcel is vacant, the height of the proposed structure shall be limited to one story.


    No outside storage of commercial vehicles or heavy equipment as defined in and regulated by section 62-2117 shall be permitted. Recreational vehicles and recreational equipment so defined shall be permitted to be stored on site if screened from view from the street and from adjacent parcels by a minimum eight-foot opaque visual barrier, except that such vehicles and equipment shall not be permitted to be stored outside where said property is adjacent to a parcel zoned residential or used for residential purposes.


    The use of generators of any kind is prohibited.


    The use or storage of hazardous materials is prohibited.


    Signage shall be placed on each building indicating that no hazardous materials use or storage or generator use is permitted and that units cannot be occupied for business or industrial use.


    The entrance gate shall be so designed and located to allow for a 33 foot-long vehicle to queue without extending into the public right-of-way.


    Minimum lot size. An area not less than 20,000 square feet, having a minimum width of 100 feet, and a minimum depth of 200 feet.


    Landscaping and screening. A landscape buffer and screening strip shall be provided within each side and rear setback. Said buffer and screening strip shall consist of any combination of berming, fencing and vegetation which will provide a six-foot high visual barrier. Where said property is contiguous to a parcel zoned residential, or used for residential purposes, the landscape buffer and screening strip shall be completely opaque to a height of six feet pursuant to chapter 62, articles VIII and XIII. A four-foot-high irrigated and landscaped berm shall be provided along the front property line (excepting the entranceway) and the side property lines for a minimum depth of the required front setback. Additional vegetation shall be added to the berm to achieve a total height of at least six feet. Chain link fence is prohibited.


    Architectural requirements. The site shall be designed so that no mini-warehouse overhead doors are visible from the street or from any adjacent parcel zoned residential, or used for residential purposes. Perimeter structures shall have trussed roofs. Perimeter walls shall be designed with physical breaks, windows (real or not), façade material changes or other architectural details and features (not just paint) intended to mimic the style of a retail structure as opposed to a continuous, visually monotonous warehouse wall. Metal buildings are prohibited.


    Maximum structural coverage. Forty percent of total lot area.

(Ord. No. 06-21, § 2, 4-25-06; Ord. No. 06-36, § 2, 5-24-06; Ord. No. 2007-003, § 16, 2-20-07)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 06-21, § 2, adopted April 25, 2006, amended § 62-1837.5 in its entirety to read as herein set out. Formerly, § 62-1837.5 pertained to mini-warehouses and derived from Ord. No. 93-20, § 2(9), adopted June 22, 1993.