§ 62-1841.5. Recreational vehicle park destination resort.  

Latest version.
  • A recreational vehicle park destination resort is a large scale, low density RV park oriented to the longterm permanent or parttime/seasonal resident. As such, it will offer facilities that exceed that of a standard RV park including more open space and recreational facilities and supporting commercial facilities. Open space, recreational and commercial facilities are permitted as described in the planned unit development classification.


    Permitted uses. Same as RVP except resort homes may comprise up to 50 percent of the permitted spaces or lots. Resort homes and park trailers may be considered as a permanent residence, and may be occupied by the owner for more than 180 consecutive days. A resort home, for the purpose of this section, is a site built single family residential structure intended for short term vacation or seasonal use or long term/permanent use.


    Accessory uses. Same as RVP except the total combined structural coverage of a recreational vehicle unit or resort home and any one or more of the permitted accessory structure shall not exceed 50 percent of the area of the recreational vehicle lot or resort home lot, not including a carport.

    Where one or more accessory structures are located on a lot designed for and limited to use by a self-contained recreational vehicle, one accessory structure may contain a full kitchen. However, the site may not be occupied unless a self-contained recreational vehicle is parked on the site at the time of occupation. The accessory structure shall not be used as a separate, stand alone living unit.


    Site size shall be a minimum of 50 acres.


    The density of recreational vehicle park destination resorts located within lands designated neighborhood commercial or community commercial on the future land use map (FLUM) shall not exceed a maximum density of five recreational vehicle site or lots per acre. For recreational vehicle park destination resorts located outside of neighborhood commercial or community commercial land use designations on the FLUM, there shall be a maximum of five recreational vehicle site or lots per acre, or the residential density of the comprehensive plan, whichever is less. Density allowances shall also apply to tent resort dwellings, park trailers and camping areas.


    Lot size for resort home lots shall be a minimum of 4,000 square feet with a minimum lot width of 40 feet.


    Common open space. Twenty-five percent of the gross site acreage shall be delineated as tracts for common recreation and open space. Allocation of common recreation and open space facilities shall be determined utilizing the definition of "usable common open space" in section 62-1102 of this chapter.


    Commercial uses.


    Commercial uses will be limited to those uses permitted in the BU-1-A (restricted neighborhood retail commercial zoning classification) for projects of a size equal to or greater than 250 units but less than 1,000 units, and to those uses permitted in the BU-1 (general retail commercial use zoning classification) for projects of a size equal to or greater than 1,000 units. Commercial uses are not permitted in projects under 250 units. More intense commercial uses may be permitted by use on review.


    The maximum commercial use area permitted shall be one acre per each 250 units. Such areas shall be situated internally and buffered so as not to create detrimental effect on residential areas. Such areas shall be located so as to best serve the residents of the project. Said areas shall not be located at the perimeter of the project with frontage on or direct access to a major through road so as to attract a market substantially outside of the project, unless such location is consistent with the location standards of the future land use map series for such uses.


    Commercial use area shall be constructed and fully improved by the developer at a rate equivalent to, but not exceeding, construction of residential structures.

(Ord. No. 93-25, § 2, 11-10-93; Ord. No. 94-25, § 5, 12-12-94; Ord. No. 98-17, § 1, 3-24-98; Ord. No. 2000-31, § 1, 5-9-00; Ord. No. 2002-01, § 8, 1-8-02; Ord. No. 07-35, § 1, 7-10-07)