§ 62-1912. Bed and breakfast inns and boardinghouses.  

Latest version.
  • Bed and breakfast inns shall meet the following criteria as a conditional use in single-family zoning classifications. A conditional use permit is not required for either use in multifamily classifications as long as the following criteria are met:


    Density. Bed and breakfast and boardinghouse facilities shall be limited to the density limitation of the zoning classification. Where an existing single-family house is being utilized as a bed and breakfast or boardinghouse facility, the guest accommodations shall not exceed 50 percent of the floor area of the principal residence.


    Parking. The proposed facility shall provide a minimum of one on-site parking space per guestroom and an additional two on-site parking spaces for the resident manager or innkeeper. No parking shall be permitted in the front yard in residential zoning classifications.


    Signs. In single-family zoning classifications, wall-mounted signs up to four square feet in size shall be permitted. In agricultural, multiple-family and residential-professional zoning classifications, wall-mounted or freestanding signs up to eight square feet in size and a maximum of six feet in height shall be permitted.


    Dining facilities. These facilities shall have common kitchen and dining facilities, and individual rooms that are rented shall not contain cooking facilities. Meals shall be provided to overnight guests only.


    Business tax receipt. A business tax receipt shall be required.


    Distance between establishments. No bed and breakfast inn may be located closer than 500 feet to any previously approved and established bed and breakfast inn in single-family zoning classifications.


    Definition. For purposes of this section, a bed and breakfast inn shall be defined as follows: "a bed and breakfast inn is a structure originally built as a single-family residence, or a new structure which is designed as and appears externally as a single-family residence, where short-term lodging rooms and meals (usually breakfast only) are provided to overnight guests. The use is an accessory use to the primary use as a single-family residence of the operator who shall live on the premises."

(Code 1979, § 14-20.16.2(B)(11); Ord. No. 95-49, § 6, 10-19-95; Ord. No. 2007-003, § 18, 2-20-07)