§ 62-1920. Cluster development of mobile homes.  

Latest version.
  • Cluster development of mobile homes is a conditional use in the TRC-1 zoning classification. The cluster concept may be used for cooperative mobile home development, in which mobile homes may be oriented around a common nonvehicular plaza, park or vegetated open space, under the following conditions:


    In no case shall density exceed six units per gross acre.


    No minimum lot size shall be required with the cluster concept.


    No individual sites or lots shall be platted or sold in a cluster development.


    Principal and accessory uses must be set back not less than 20 feet from the edge of any public right-of-way or private street. A minimum distance of 15 feet must be maintained between all principal and detached accessory structures.


    The required site plan shall contain the precise location of all mobile homes and the exact maximum dimensions of each mobile home for its respective site.


    Twenty-five percent of the parking requirement may be provided in one or more common parking areas that will serve as overflow parking and recreational vehicle parking. Overflow parking may be exempted from the paving requirement and be provided in a stabilized surface.


    Design requirements with respect to streets, sidewalks and drainage may be waived by the board of county commissioners upon the recommendation of the county manager or designee.


    Twenty-five percent of the development must be provided in the form of usable common recreation and open space.


    Each dwelling unit or other permitted use shall have access to a public street, either directly or indirectly, via an approach private road, pedestrian way, court or other area dedicated to public or private use or common easement guaranteeing access. Permitted uses are not required to front on a public dedicated road. The county shall be allowed access on privately owned roads, easements and common open space to ensure the police and fire protection of the area to meet emergency needs, to conduct county services and to generally ensure the health and safety of the residents of the development.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.16.2(B)(19); Ord. No. 97-49, § 13, 12-9-97)