§ 62-1929. Farmers' markets.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    For purposes of this chapter, a farmers' market means a designated area for farmers and gardeners to sell fresh agricultural produce to the general public. Sales may be conducted from trucks, open booths or temporary structures. A building permit is not needed for such booths or temporary structures. The landowner must provide adequate and safe ingress to and egress from the sales area.


    All sales booths, temporary structures and trucks being used to sell produce shall be a minimum of 50 feet from all road rights-of-way. All parking for salespeople and customers shall be on the property of the landowner, and there shall be no parking permitted on a right-of-way.


    A farmers' market shall also be subject to the following conditions and requirements, and a site plan shall be submitted with the application with the following minimum requirements:


    The site plan shall include the name, location and designer of the proposed project and the total square footage area of the sales area.


    The site plan shall show the location of the site in relation to surrounding properties, including the means of ingress to and egress from such properties and any screening or buffers on such properties.


    The site plan shall show the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed parking areas, with a minimum of one space, ten feet by 20 feet in size, to be provided per 50 square feet of sales area.


    The site plan shall show the location of all property lines, existing rights-of-way, utility drainage easements and existing streets. In addition, the following minimum setbacks shall be required:


    The front setback shall be 50 feet from the front lot line.


    The side setback shall be 30 feet from the side lot line.


    The rear setback shall be 30 feet from the rear lot line.

(Code 1979, §14-20.16.2(B)(28); Ord. No. 96-46, § 12, 10-22-96)