§ 62-1936. Land alterations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The minimum size for land alteration is five acres.


    The approval of a conditional use permit for a land alteration shall be subject to the applicant's obtaining a land alteration permit meeting the requirements and conditions of article XIII, division 4, of this chapter, or a private lake permit meeting the requirements and conditions of article XIII, division 5, of this chapter, from the office of natural resources management.


    A land alteration shall be set back 50 feet from all property lines, and 75 feet from any right-of-way or major arterial street as defined in article VII of this chapter. A land alteration shall be set back 250 feet from all residentially zoned properties and AU and GU zoned properties which are not owned by the applicant. A minimum side slope shall be no steeper than five feet horizontal to one foot vertical (5:1) to a mean water depth of five feet. Slopes deeper than five feet shall be no steeper than 2:1.


    A conceptual site plan, binding on the property owner, shall be submitted which shows the following:


    The size and location of the land alteration.


    The location of any equipment and equipment storage.


    The points of ingress and egress.


    The extent of buffering, and other associated operational components.


    Rock crushing operations must be specified and the exact location described during application submittal.


    Identify the maximum number of truck trips per day to and from the site.


    A vicinity map shall be provided that reflects the removal routes that trucks and other vehicles will use to haul sites or areas external to the alteration site.


    Location of areas where explosives, blasting agents, or detonators may be used in conjunction with land alteration activities.


    Land alteration activity must be located with direct access to collector or arterial roads except for projects within commercial and industrial zoned properties.


    Land alteration activities shall be limited to operations between dawn to dusk and prohibited on Sundays.


    If deemed necessary by the county manager or designee, where the intensity of the operation would have a potential to damage an existing paved public road or street, a performance bond to guarantee repair of the road or street shall be required.


    Such conditional use may be limited to a time specific duration as set by the board of county commissioners.


    In the event that explosive, blasting agents or detonators, as defined in section 62-4391, may be used in conjunction with land alteration activities, the notice required pursuant to subsection 62-1151(b) must disclose the intent to use such materials.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.16.2(B)(35); Ord. No. 97-49, § 14, 12-9-97; Ord. No. 98-62, § 1, 12-3-98; Ord. No. 06-67, § 1, 12-12-06; Ord. No. 2011-17, § 6, 5-26-11)