§ 62-1940. Motocross.  

Latest version.
  • A motocross shall comply with the following regulations and specifications:


    Minimum site size. The minimum site size shall be 30 acres.


    Setbacks. Building setbacks shall conform to the setbacks found in the regulations for the IU-1 zoning classification set out in this chapter. Track surfaces shall be set back not less than 100 feet from property lines, and track surfaces shall be set back not less than one-quarter mile or 1,320 feet from all residential dwellings.


    Fencing. The entire track area shall be enclosed with a six-foot fence of chain link or solid construction, and shall be maintained so as to prevent access to the track area by nonparticipants and unauthorized persons.


    Parking. A minimum of one acre of parking area shall be provided for the first 30 acres, and an additional 400 square feet shall be provided for each acre beyond the minimum site size. The parking area may be paved or unpaved, and if unpaved it shall be stabilized.


    Site plan. The applicant shall provide the following information as part of his site plan at the time of application for a conditional use permit:


    The name, location, owner and designer of the proposed development.


    A general location map including all areas within a one-mile radius of the site, which shall identify the closest residential development and provide the specific distance to that area from the site, provide a complete legal description of the property, describe adjacent land use, and provide the location and names of all streets within the vicinity.


    The present zoning of the property and other conditional use permits relative to the property, if any.


    The date, north arrow and graphic scale (to be not less than one inch equals 50 feet) of the site plan.


    The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed parking areas and motocross type tracks within the site.


    The location and dimensions of all property lines, existing rights-of-way, streets and proposed site access roads and driveways.


    The location and dimensions of all permanent structures and areas where temporary structures, such as concession stands, portable sanitary facilities, etc., will be placed; setbacks and distances between structures, including temporary structures; floor areas; and percent of property to be covered by permanent structures.


    The location of all trash receptacles.


    The location and extent of sanitary facilities.


    The location, size and type of fencing proposed.


    The proposed method of site drainage, along with the location and size of any lakes, ponds, canals or other waters or waterways currently existing.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.16.2(B)(39))