§ 62-1948. Skateboard ramps.  

Latest version.
  • A skateboard ramp may be a conditional use in any residential zoning classification, provided it complies with the following regulations:


    Any ramp greater than four feet in any dimension shall require a conditional use permit.


    The minimum lot size is one-half acre.


    A building permit must be obtained for the skateboard ramp structure. The structural plans shall be sealed by a state-registered engineer or architect.


    The skateboard ramp must comply with the setback requirements for a principal structure in the relevant zoning classification, but in no case shall it be located forward of the front building line.


    Ramps shall not be lighted.


    Time of use shall be specified at the time of application and will become a binding condition if the application is approved.


    Ramps shall not be used for commercial purposes.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.16.2(B)(47))