§ 62-1960. Zoological parks.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Definition. For purposes of this chapter, zoological park means a zoological garden or collection of living animals, usually for public display. Included in this definition are serpentariums, aviaries and large public aquariums.


    Location. No outdoor attraction or structure for housing or exhibiting animals, fowl, reptiles or fish shall be permitted within 300 feet of property zoned for residential use, nor shall any such attraction or structure be permitted within 200 feet of property under different ownership.


    Minimum site area. Uses provided for in this section shall provide a minimum site area of ten acres.


    Fencing and screening. Where deemed necessary by the board of county commissioners to protect the general public and abutting property owners, fences, walls or landscape screens may be required.


    Site plan. A detailed site plan shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of this section and article VIII of this chapter at the time a conditional use permit is requested.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.16.2(B)(59))