§ 62-2100.5. Accessory building and accessory use standards.  

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  • (1)

    Generalized standards for accessory buildings are as follows:


    The number of accessory buildings permitted on a single family zoned residential lot is regulated by Table I, listed below.

    Table I:

    Number of Accessory Buildings per Lot Area

    Lot Area (sq. ft.) Accessory Buildings
    ≤7500 1
    7501—25000 2
    25001—35000 3
    35001—45000* 4


    * Plus one additional accessory building for each 15,000 square feet of land area beyond 45,000 square feet. Swimming pools, screened enclosures, docks, equipment/pump houses, and dog houses (not requiring a building permit) are exempt from the accessory building number limitation imposed by this section. Sports courts such as basketball or tennis are not considered to be accessory structures for the purposes of this subsection.


    Except as noted in subsections: (1)(g), (1)(h), (1)(i), (1)(j), and (1)(k), in no instance shall the total floor area of all detached accessory buildings exceed the floor area of the principal structure.


    Setback provisions for accessory buildings can be found within the general or specific setback provisions stated within each zoning classification.


    The size limitation of accessory buildings or structures, when secondary to single family residential uses, is further limited as follows: Each detached accessory building or structure shall not exceed 600 square feet or 50 percent of the living area of the principal building, whichever is greater.


    Accessory buildings or structures may be administratively expanded beyond the provision stated above in section (1)(d) provided that the residential lot is one acre or larger in area and the floor area of the proposed accessory building does not exceed 1,000 square feet. In no case shall the accessory structure's actual floor area exceed that of the principal residential building.


    In those instances where the principle use of a multi-family zoned lot is one single-family residence, one single-family garage apartment may be developed accessory to said residence and shall be exempt from the residential density limitations imposed by the comprehensive plan and zoning classification. In those instances where multiple residential structures have been developed, a garage apartment may be developed if consistent with the density limitations imposed by the comprehensive plan and zoning classification.


    Accessory buildings in the agricultural zoning classification, and barns, where permitted, are exempt from standards listed above in subsections: 1(a, b, and d).


    Within the residential attached, multi-family, RP, PUD, & RPUD zoning classifications, accessory buildings or structures accessory to residential uses located within common areas are exempt from standards listed above in subsections: 1(a, b, and d).


    Within the PUD & RPUD zoning classifications, accessory buildings which are ancillary to on-site commercial uses are exempt from standards listed above in subsections: 1(a) and 1(b).


    Within commercial, industrial and government managed lands zoning classifications, accessory buildings are exempt from standards listed above in subsections: 1(a) and 1(b). Accessory buildings must meet all setback requirements for a principal structure and maintain a minimum spacing distance of 15 feet between structures.


    Within residential zoning classifications, accessory buildings which are ancillary to on-site agricultural uses are exempt from standards listed above in subsections: 1(a, b, and d).


    Within the RP zoning classification, detached accessory structures for professional uses shall be prohibited.


    Accessory agricultural uses: The keeping of horses and agricultural pursuits are accessory to a principle residence within the following rural residential zoning classifications: (REU, RR-1, RRMH-1, RRMH-2.5 & RRMH-5) pursuant to the following limitations. Horses, not to exceed four per acre, are permitted for the personal, noncommercial use of the occupant of the property, provided there is a minimum of 10,000 square feet of land for each animal. Agricultural pursuits shall be limited to the keeping of horses and activities of a horticultural nature. No other farm animals or fowl shall be kept on the property except as provided in this chapter, and no produce shall be sold from the premises.

(Ord. No. 2002-49, § 36, 9-17-02)