§ 62-2108. Farm animals and fowl.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, breed or maintain upon any premises not zoned for agricultural use or otherwise excepted in accordance with this chapter, any of the following: bees, roosters, peacocks, horses, ponies, cattle, goats, pigs or other livestock, or more than one of the following: pigeons, chickens, ducks, or other fowl.

    In all single-family residential zones, on lots of at least one-half acre minimum, up to four chickens (no roosters or other fowl) may be permitted per one-half acre of land. Housing, such as coops, that is not considered to be a barn, stall or paddock is required and must meet the setback requirements for accessory structures in accordance with the zoning classification. All fowl are for the personal, non-commercial use of the occupants only. Breeding and slaughtering of any fowl is strictly prohibited. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be liable in accordance with sections 62-1105 and 62-1106.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.28; Ord. No. 98-04, § 1, 1-29-98; Ord. No. 2012-36, § 2, 12-6-12)