§ 62-2111. Garage sales.  

Latest version.
  • Garage sales as defined in this section are permitted in all zoning classifications in the unincorporated area of the county; provided, however, such garage sales are subject to the following conditions:


    For purposes of this section, garage sales shall mean the retail sale of old, used or unwanted personal household articles and property and other personal effects displayed or offered for sale on a lot, parcel or tract of land in any area within the unincorporated areas of the county, as an incidental use to the primary use permitted in the applicable zoning classification. Such garage sales shall not include articles of property purchased for the purpose of resale. Such garage sales include sales from a garage, yard, shed, house or other related buildings. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed or interpreted to prohibit the isolated sale of specific personal household property or effects not purchased for the purpose of resale where the property and effects are not displayed openly but are kept within the interior of the building and where no signs or posters are displayed advertising such sales.


    A garage sale shall not be carried on for more than a 48-hour period, and no more than two such sales shall be permitted within a 12-month period from any single lot, parcel or tract of land within the unincorporated areas of the county.


    At the conclusion of such garage sales, all unsold articles and items shall be removed or packed in such a manner so as not to be visible from any public street or abutting property.


    The individual conducting the garage sale shall provide for and control adequate parking for motor vehicles so as to reasonably prevent unsafe conditions and traffic congestion on the public street adjacent to the premises upon which the sale is being conducted.


    A person who conducts a garage sale in compliance with the conditions and provisions of this section shall not be required to obtain a business tax receipt for such garage sale or otherwise be controlled by the provisions of chapter 102, article II.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.31; Ord. No. 2007-003, § 20, 2-20-07)