§ 62-2255. Dust and particulate matter.  

Latest version.
  • Dust and particulate matter shall meet the standard of no significant deposition off-site to adjoining lots or roads. Significant deposition is where deposition from the site can be seen as a regular pattern of deposition leading from the site by wind or vehicular deposition as a result of the manufacturing or operation of a particular site. The deposition shall be sufficient to be collected from vegetation or hard surfaces. The county shall determine whether the pattern of deposition is a result of the regular operation of the industrial use or vehicular traffic on the site, not a short term landscaping or construction activity that was impacted by severe winds. All long term construction is expected to use best management practices to reduce dust.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.42(D)(3); Ord. No. 2000-07, § 7, 1-25-00)