§ 62-2256. Odor.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Performance requirements. All uses shall be controlled to prevent the emission of odorous gases or other matter in such quantities as to be readily detectable or to produce a public nuisance or hazard at any point as measured along the lot lines. Detailed plans for the elimination of odorous matter may be required before the issuance of a building permit.

    All uses shall meet the odor standards in this section during site plan approval. Site plans must include documentation assuring that odor standards will not be exceeded by the intended use. The odor shall be measured by determining in parts per million (ppm) the chemicals present. This shall then be compared to data in Tables 5.1 or 5.3, Odor Thresholds: for Chemicals with Established Occupational Health Standards, published by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (1989) or the latest reprint or revision. All measurements shall follow American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) procedures.


    Where Table 5.1, Odor Thresholds: for Chemicals with Established Occupational Health Standards; Range of Acceptable Values, referenced above contains several levels cited, the lowest value shall be used as the standard.


    Where the chemical is not listed in Table 5.1, Odor Thresholds: for Chemicals with Established Occupational Health Standards, then Table 5.3, Odor Thresholds: for Chemicals with Established Occupational Health Standards shall be reviewed. Where data is found in Table 5.3, Odor Thresholds: for Chemicals with Established Occupational Health the lowest accepted value of all reported odor threshold measurements shall be used.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.42(D)(4); Ord No. 2000-07, § 7, 1-25-00)