§ 62-2257. Lighting standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Exterior lighting elements or structural materials installed on site shall not cast light or reflect glare beyond the boundaries of the site to the extent that the amount of glare or light is objectionable to a person of ordinary and reasonable sensibilities. This section does not apply to street lighting in public or private rights of way or adjacent utility easements.


    Two types of light sources or luminaires are permitted. The first type allows for low lighting threshold needs (light intensities equal to or less than 2,780 initial lumens, per source or luminaire) and is termed a non cut-off fixture. A non cut-off fixture does not direct or limit the view of the light source or luminaire. The second type allows for higher light intensities greater than 2,780 initial lumens, per source or luminaire and is termed a cut-off fixture. A cut-off fixture is a lighting fixture constructed in such a manner that all light emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or a diffusing element, or indirectly by reflection or refraction from any part of the luminaire, is projected below the horizontal plane as determined by photometric test or certified by the manufacturer. Any structural part of the light fixture providing this shielding must be permanently affixed. House-side shields are cut-off fixture attachments which further restrict light leaving the luminaire. The maximum downward vertical angle of light leaving a cut-off fixture utilizing house-side shields shall be 45 degrees. All properties required to submit a site plan pursuant to section 62-3203 shall meet the following lighting standards:


    All lighting fixtures or luminaires providing light intensities greater than 2,780 initial lumens (the equivalent of a 150 watt frosted incandescent bulb) shall utilize cut-off fixtures with a flat lens. All cut-off fixtures, except for "accent" lighting fixtures, shall be installed parallel to the ground or at a zero degree horizontal angle. All cut-off fixtures installed within five feet of the property line shall utilize a horizontal lamp with house-side shields. Sag lenses are prohibited. Non cut-off and accent lighting fixtures are prohibited to be installed within five feet of the property line. Interior to the site, non cut-off fixtures or luminaires may use any lighting source but are limited to light intensities equal to or less than 2,780 initial lumens.


    The maximum illumination measured at the property line of abutting residential zoning shall not exceed two-tenths footcandles. On abutting non-residential properties or public streets, the maximum illumination at the property line shall be five footcandles or the ambient lighting from street lights, whichever is less.


    No light source shall exceed an illumination of 50 footcandles without a conditional use being granted upon demonstration of the need for highly exacting measurements or other activities that necessitate such illumination-levels. Normal commercial activities including gas stations, fast food or automobile dealerships do not require illumination in excess of the standards.


    Accent lighting is hereby defined as the lighting of area(s) within a site which emphasizes key architectural elements of the site's building(s), particular objects such as a piece of art or retail displays, or landscaped areas without creating shadows or hot spots resulting in uneven site lighting conditions. All lighting fixtures (cut-off or non cut-off) utilized to provide accent lighting shall be so designated on the site's engineered site plan. Accent lighting fixtures providing illumination for specific portions of a building's wall area are known as wall-washers. Wall-washer light fixtures are cut-off or non cut-off lighting fixtures normally mounted at ground level and aimed at an upward angle to cast illumination upon an adjacent building's wall. Up-lighting is the term used to describe the lighting of objects located above the horizontal plane of the lighting fixture. Down-lighting is the term used to describe the lighting of objects located below the horizontal plane of the lighting fixture. Accent lighting fixtures which utilize up-lighting or are used to illuminate landscape vegetation shall be limited to a maximum 5.0 foot-candles lighting threshold in order to limit the adverse impacts of light pollution (illumination of the night sky). Accent lighting fixtures which utilize down-lighting shall be limited to a reduced 35.0 foot-candle maximum lighting threshold in order to limit the adverse impacts of glare and reflection.


    Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, the following regulations shall apply to all publicly owned athletic facilities or properties zoned GML for Athletic Facility Area Lighting.


    For athletic facility area lighting installations, the number and placement of poles, and the mounting heights and number and wattage of fixtures on each pole, shall be as necessary to meet the standards and criteria for player safety and spectator viewing as established by athletic sanctioning organizations or illumination engineering organizations as approved by the board of county commissioners; provided that:


    Mounting height of the fixtures shall not be greater than 100 feet above the grade at the base of the pole, unless a variance is approved by the board of adjustments after following the procedures implemented for issuance of said variance;


    All fixtures shall be equipped with glare and light spill control accessories;


    The maximum illumination at the property line with abutting residential zoning shall not exceed two-tenths footcandles, and on abutting nonresidential properties or public streets, the maximum illumination at the property line shall be five footcandles;


    On athletic facility areas constructed or purchased and designed prior to November 7, 2000, installation of new or replacement of existing athletic area lighting will require the following:

    Maximum illumination at the property line with abutting residential zoning shall not exceed three and one-half footcandles, and on abutting nonresidential properties or public streets, the maximum illumination at the property line shall be five footcandles.

(Code 1979, § 14-20.42(D)(5); Ord. No. 2000-07, § 7, 1-25-00; Ord. No. 2003-29, § 1, 7-22-03; Ord. No. 2005-05, § 1, 2-3-05)