§ 62-2421. Design preference.  

Latest version.
  • Design of a new wireless telecommunications facility (antenna array or new tower), co-location, or combined antenna shall be in accordance with the following order (1 — most preferred, 6(c) — least preferred):


    Concealed attached antenna.


    Camouflaged non-concealed attached antenna.


    New concealed tower.


    Mitigation of existing tower.


    Camouflaged tower.


    New non-concealed.







    Where a less preferred design is proposed, the applicant must file an affidavit by a radio frequency engineer demonstrating that despite diligent efforts to adhere to the established hierarchy within the geographic search area, the more preferred options are not technically feasible, practical or justified given the location of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility. Design preferences for facilities located on county-owned properties are set forth in appendix A of the master plan.

(Ord. No. 2014-30, § 21, 10-2-14)