§ 62-2444. Mitigation.  

Latest version.
  • Mitigation of an existing tower shall accomplish a minimum of one of the following: (1) reduce the total number of towers within the county; or (2) reduce the total number of nonconforming towers within the county; or (3) replace an existing tower with a new tower on the same property to improve network functionality resulting in compliance with this ordinance. Mitigation is subject to the following:


    No tower shall be mitigated more than one time.


    Height. The height of a tower approved for mitigation shall not exceed 115 percent of the height of the tallest tower that is being mitigated. (For example: a 100-foot existing tower could be rebuilt at 115 feet.)


    Setbacks. Attempts shall be made to meet the setback requirement for the new tower on the same property to the maximum degree possible. At a minimum, the new tower and its equipment compound shall be no closer to any property lines, neighboring structures or adjacent dwelling units as the tower and equipment compound being mitigated.


    Breakpoint technology. A newly mitigated tower shall use breakpoint technology when possible in the design of the replacement facility.


    Buffers. The tower equipment compound shall be brought into compliance with landscape and vegetation buffer requirements listed in section 62-2422(8).


    Visibility. Mitigated antenna-supporting structures shall be configured and located in a manner that minimizes adverse effects on the landscape and adjacent properties, with specific design considerations as to height, scale, color, texture, and architectural design of the buildings on the same and adjacent zoned lots.


    The existing tower, including tower base but excluding the tower foundation, must be removed within 90 days of the completion of the new tower.

(Ord. No. 2014-30, § 34, 10-2-14)