§ 62-2452. Specific application requirements for new broadcast towers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Technical data included in the report shall include the purpose of the proposed facility as described in the FCC construction permit application.


    Proof that a property and/or tower owner's agent has appropriate authorization to act upon the owner's behalf, if applicable.


    Signed statement from a qualified person, together with their qualifications, shall be included that warrants radio frequency emissions from the antenna array(s) comply with FCC standards regarding interference to other radio services. The statement shall also certify that both individually and cumulatively, and with any other facilities located on or immediately adjacent to the proposed facility, the replacement antenna complies with FCC standards regarding human exposure to RF energy.


    A stamped or sealed structural analysis of the proposed tower prepared by a registered professional engineer licensed by the state indicating the proposed and future loading capacity of the tower is compliant with EIA/TIA-222-G (as amended).


    A written statement by a registered professional engineer licensed by the state specifying the design structural failure modes of the proposed facility.


    Statement certifying that no unusual sound emissions such as alarms, bells, buzzers, or the like are permitted. Emergency generators are permitted. Sound levels shall not exceed 70 decibels.


    One original and two copies of a survey of the property completed by a registered professional engineer, licensed in the state showing all existing uses, structures, and improvements.


    Six sets (24" × 36") of signed and sealed site plans shall include the following:


    Name of project and date.


    Deed book, and page and map book and page reference.


    Scale, north arrow, and vicinity map.


    Subject property information including zoning, watershed classification, percent coverage of lot to be impervious surface (if located in a designated watershed area).


    Adjacent property information including land owners, land uses, height of principal building, size of lots, and existing zoning and land use.


    Landscape buffering plans.


    Maximum height of the proposed tower and/or antenna, including individual measurements of the base, tower, and lightning rod.


    One parking space is required for each tower development area. The space shall be provided within the leased area, or equipment compound, or the development area as defined on the site plan.


    Location, classification, and size of all major public or private streets and rights-of-way.


    Identify adjacent features within 500 feet of property boundary including driveways, public parking areas, pedestrian ways, trails, and any other pertinent features.


    Two reduced copies (8½" × 11"), of the foregoing preliminary grading plans may be included on site plans or separately submitted in equal quantities.


    Structure elevations.


    NAD83 latitude and longitude coordinates of the proposed broadcast tower.


    State plane coordinates of the proposed broadcast tower.


    Title report or American Land Title Association (A.L.T.A.) survey showing all easements on the subject property, together with a full legal description of the property.


    List of property owners within 1,000 feet in residential zoning districts and 500 feet in all other zoning districts and keyed to the map. The list must be from the most current ownership information supplied by the county property appraiser's office, together with two sets of mailing labels for such property owners. Applicant will also provide a notarized certification letter stating the ownership list referenced herein is accurate to the best of the applicant's ability.


    A pre-application conference will be required for any new broadcast facility.


    Prior to issuance of a building permit, proof of FAA compliance with Subpart C of the Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 77, and "Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace," if applicable.

(Ord. No. 2014-30, § 41, 10-2-14)