§ 62-2805. Subdivision plan submission procedure  

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  • General requirements: When a subdivision of any land is proposed, the owner of the land shall apply for and secure approval of such subdivision in accordance with article VII subdivision regulations. A subdivision shall be required for the division of a parcel of land whether improved or unimproved, into three or more lots, and a subdivision plat shall be recorded. No lots or parcels which would be created, shall be sold, nor shall any building permit be approved for the erection of any structure on said lots or parcels until approval is obtained pursuant to this article.


    Review stages: There are three stages of review for subdivision plan approval: the preapplication conference, construction plan/preliminary plat review and the final plat review.


    Preapplication conference: The first stage is the preapplication conference. This stage is mandatory for the applicant, and allows the applicant to solicit comments from the reviewing agencies on the proposed subdivision prior to submittal and review of preliminary plat and construction plans.


    Construction plans and preliminary plat review: The second stage is the construction plans and preliminary plat review. The applicant formally submits construction plans and preliminary plat for review and approval by the county reviewing agencies.


    Final plat review: The third stage is final plat review. This stage follows construction plans and the preliminary plat review and is the final stage necessary before recording a plat. The applicant, after obtaining construction plans and preliminary plat approval, may receive final plat approval by the board.


    Subdivisions: A subdivision shall be processed as established herein and shall be required to complete all three stages of review, unless the division meets the definitions and requirements of a minor subdivision.


    Minor subdivisions: Division of such parcels into no more than six lots that comply with the following criteria shall be considered a minor subdivision and shall be reviewed in two stages: (1) construction plans and preliminary plat review, and (2) the final plat review. The applicant may request a preapplication conference in addition to the required review stages. A minor subdivision may be approved for a division of land if the following conditions are met:


    All proposed lots are for detached single-family residential lots.


    A new street of not more than 1,320 feet in total length, is being established and the new street directly connects to an existing county maintained right-of-way.


    All lots being created shall have fee simple access on a public or private maintained street.


    All lots shall meet the minimum lot frontage area and dimensional requirements for the zoning and future land use designation in which they are located.


    The subdivision shall be all inclusive and shall not consist of more than one phase of development.


    Replats or subdivisions that do not require the creation of new streets or right-of-way, and are not located within a flood zone, may be reviewed under an application for final plat review and approval. A lot grading plan, drainage plan, and wetlands delineation shall be included with the final plat for county review and approval.


    Exemptions: The following are exempt from the subdivision platting process subject to conformance to all other land development regulations, including but not limited to, lot design and lot drainage requirements of article VII:


    The division of land into parcels of more than five acres, where all proposed lots access a county maintained road, not involving any change in street lines or easements of whatsoever kind is not to be deemed a subdivision within the meaning of this article.


    The division of one parcel or lot into no more than two lots where both of the proposed lots meet the minimum frontage requirements abutting a county maintained road and there is no change in street lines or easements.

(Ord. No. 95-30, § 1, 7-11-95; Ord. No. 2004-13, § 2, 4-13-04; Ord. No. 10-20, 10-12-10; Ord. No. 17-09, § 2, 5-9-17)