§ 62-2883. General design requirements and standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General design requirements and standards are indicated in article VII, division 4, Brevard County Engineering and Construction Standards, may periodically be amended by the county development engineer, except for road drawings (exhibit 1-9) and/or private use which has been built, inspected and construction approved and when appropriate maintained by the county.


    Conformance with existing development plans: All proposed subdivisions shall conform to the existing county comprehensive plan, the land development regulations of the county, the zoning regulations of the county and any appropriate conditions of a development of regional impact development order. (No lot or parcel of land, including any common area dedicated to the use of residents of the subdivision shall be created either by inclusion within or exclusion from a tract, which cannot be properly utilized for a permitted use under the existing zoning regulations.)


    Public use requirements: In the design of a proposed subdivision, due consideration shall be given to a reservation or dedication of land for streets, highways, bikeways, school sites and other public open space requirements, as such use may be required by the county land use plan and other adopted county plans.


    Buffer requirements: In the design of a proposed residential subdivision, a minimum 15-foot perimeter buffer shall be required. Such buffer shall remain undisturbed along all property boundaries and shall be platted as a common tract, separate from individual lots. Landscape improvements may be constructed within said buffer tract subject to review and approval by the county. The buffer requirements described herein shall not apply to minor subdivisions.

(Ord. No. 95-30, § 1, 7-11-95; Ord. No. 01-77, § 1, 12-4-01; Ord. No. 2004-13, § 11, 4-13-04; Ord. No. 10-20, 10-12-10)