§ 62-2888. Design of utility; drainage; access easements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General: All easements shall be provided in accordance with this section, unless the public works department determines that additional easement width is required. Easements may be required on front, rear or side lot lines. If utility or access easements are planned adjacent to the subdivision boundary, the full width necessary shall be provided within the proposed subdivision. Utility easement shall be identified on the plat as such with an accurate description of the nature of such easement. There shall be easements adjacent to the subdivision borders to allow access to mosquito control vehicles, if appropriate.


    Utility installation: Except for the main feeder line, service lateral distribution utility lines of all kinds, including electrical power and light, telephone and telegraph, cable television, water, sewer and gas shall be constructed and installed beneath the surface of the ground, unless all lots are one-half acre or greater in size. The underground installation of incidental appurtenances such as transformer boxes, pedestal mounted terminal boxes, meter boxes for electricity or similar hardware necessary for the provision of electric and communication utilities shall not be required. Below ground level installation shall not be required for major electric and communication feeder lines which serve more than one subdivision or which connect utility substations. If the physical condition of the tract prevents underground installation of utilities, the county development engineer in concurrence with the affected agencies may waive the requirement for underground installation of utilities in accordance with this code.


    Width of utility and drainage easements: All side easements shall be equal to or greater than the required zoning side setbacks. All front or rear easements, shall be not less than seven and one-half feet wide for each lot. Easements shall be of sufficient size to allow utility vehicles access to construct, maintain and repair all utilities or drainage facilities.

(Ord. No. 95-30, § 1, 7-11-95)