§ 62-2889. Subdivision signs, walls and fences.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General: The applicant may construct a subdivision sign and wall or fence in conjunction with the development of a subdivision provided such construction is in accordance with this article.




    The plans for such walls, fences and signs shall be submitted at the time the plans for other subdivision improvements are submitted. If a wall and/or fence is not detailed with final engineering plans, a site plan will be required with applicable fees.


    No sign, wall or fence shall be constructed which interferes with the line of sight of motorists approaching or exiting a subdivision. No sign or wall or fence can be constructed within a sight-distance-triangle as illustrated in "Exhibit 1." the sides of the sight-distance-triangle adjacent to the road right-of-way shall not be less than 15 feet where the subdivision abuts a highway or major arterial and no less than 25 feet where it abuts a collector street. This distance is measured from the edge of right-of-way. Where the sight distance triangle is measured from the edge of pavement, the criteria in Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 1-A, shall be utilized.


    A wall or fence, if constructed, shall be built on private property along the frontage of the subdivision adjacent to the roadway. The wall or fence shall not exceed eight feet in height and shall be of one uniform architectural design. Walls are not to be constructed within public utility easements unless an easement agreement is executed with the board of county commissioners.


    All walls, fences and signs shall be constructed in accordance with building and construction standards and codes. The land development section shall approve the location, size and materials of all walls or fences and subdivision signs.


    No sign shall be higher than four feet in height and cannot exceed 100 square feet in overall size, however, subdivision signs which are part of a wall or fence shall not exceed eight feet in height.


    Subdivision walls or fences and signs are exempt from the county zoning regulations.


    No signs, walls or fences will be permitted within public right-of-way, including median tracts.

(Ord. No. 95-30, § 1, 7-11-95; Ord. No. 2004-13, § 13, 4-13-04)