§ 62-2895. Commercial and industrial subdivisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose: The purpose of this section is to permit the development of nonresidential subdivisions devoted exclusively to commercial or industrial activities, and to establish separate requirements for those subdivisions based upon their characteristics such as high vehicular traffic volumes, heavy truck traffic, rail access and increased sewage, waste disposal and drainage needs. All commercial and industrial subdivisions shall be subject to the requirements, restrictions and regulations of this article, unless otherwise specified in this section.


    In commercial and industrial subdivisions, the nearest street extending parallel or approximately equal to a railroad shall, whenever practical, be at a sufficient distance from the railroad right-of-way to insure suitable depth for commercial or industrial lots.


    Buffer measures: The applicant shall make reasonable provision to protect contiguous residential areas from the proposed commercial or industrial subdivisions. These provisions include constructing vegetative or other suitable buffers which screen the residential areas from commercial and industrial subdivisions, and extra lot depth on lots backing up to residential property. Roads which carry truck traffic shall not be built adjacent to the boundaries of residential areas. The commercial and industrial subdivision shall not have direct vehicular access to a local residential street.


    Sidewalks: Sidewalks are required in accordance with article 7, division 4. When required, sidewalks shall be installed prior to the final inspection for building occupancy.


    Utilities: For areas zoned or used for an industrial or manufacturing purpose or its equivalent, a sanitary sewerage system is considered available if it exists within one-fourth mile of the nearest property line of the development or measured and accessed via existing easements or rights-of-ways. Unless all lots are one-half acre or greater in size, underground utility installations are required in commercial subdivisions. Industrial subdivisions do not require underground utility installations.


    Design of blocks: Nonresidential blocks shall have sufficient length to serve the intended use without adversely affecting traffic circulation on existing or proposed streets. The width of the block shall be sufficient to provide adequate service areas and parking without requiring vehicular maneuvering on public road right-of-way. Lots within such blocks shall require a common vehicular access alley dedicated to the use, maintenance and benefit of all lots within the block, or marginal access street shall be provided to reduce the number of ingress and egress points onto the abutting street.


    If private roadways are utilized in a commercial or industrial subdivision, the face of the plat must include a notation identifying the maintenance entity. (This notation is an addition to the dedication block).

(Ord. No. 95-30, § 1, 7-11-95)