§ 62-3204. Minimum submittal and design requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Pre-application conference. The following are the minimum submittal requirements for pre-application conference. The more information included in said submittal allows for a more informative project review.


    The applicant shall provide an application, authorization to act as applicant form, the appropriate number of plans, zoning verification form, and applicable fees.


    The site plan sketch shall contain general information including, but not limited to, the following:


    A vicinity map showing the general location of the site using the names and locations of major geographic landmarks (i.e., towns, rivers, highways, etc.) section, township, and range lines and north arrow.


    Complete legal description of the subject property, including section, township, range, subdivision, block, and lot, point of commencement, point of beginning, tax account number and official record book with page as applicable.


    Sufficient topographic information that depicts the existing drainage patterns flowing onto, off, and through the site.


    Location of all proposed and existing improvements including, but not limited to, buildings and accessory structures (with their intended use and square footage), parking, driveways, walls (fences), dumpsters, stormwater retention/detention ponds, stormwater outfall pipes and any other information relevant to the site plan.


    Location and designation of what FEMA special flood hazard area the project is located in per the latest flood insurance rate maps (FIRM).


    Traffic information, projected trip generation and roadway configuration including, but not limited to, the location of offsite drive-ways (within 200 feet on both sides of the street), intersection information, median openings, and current right-of-way widths.


    Any other information that is unique to the proposed development of the site.


    Formal site plan. The applicant shall provide an application together with the documentation required below, the appropriate number of plans and surveys, and applicable fee, unless specified otherwise. The county shall not accept a site application that does not contain the necessary data, information and copies required by these regulations in sufficient detail and accuracy for a formal review and approval. No site plan application shall be processed or accepted without payment of all applicable fees.




    Authorization to act as applicant form,


    Approved concurrency form,


    Zoning verification form, together with copies of any conditional use permits (CUPs), binding site plan (BSP), binding development plan (BDP), etc.,


    A copy of the recorded deed reflecting current ownership, purchase agreement or other document indicating ownership and legal description of the subject property,


    Copies of recorded easements, vacations or other encumbrances that affect the construction of the site,


    Stormwater calculations signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state,


    A traffic impact analysis identifying the projected trip generation and roadway configuration, including the impacts to the surrounding roadway infrastructure, and proposed improvements to support the intended use of the property.


    The following information, data, exhibits and requirements shall be depicted and identified on the site development construction plans:


    A general statement shall describe the character and purpose of the intended development and include all miscellaneous information and data that effects the permitted use of the site. The statement must also include a description of the type of proposed construction.


    Complete legal description of the site matching the boundary survey and the owners deed shall be shown; the property appraiser's tax parcel number(s) shall also be provided.


    Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the owner, engineer or design architect, surveyor, and construction contractor (if applicable).


    Title block including name of the project.


    Date plan was drawn and the date of any subsequent revision(s).


    A vicinity map showing the general location of the site using the names and locations of major geographic landmarks (i.e., towns, rivers, highways, etc.) section, township, and range lines and north arrow.


    Tabulation of the following (as applicable):


    Gross acreage and square footage of the site.


    The percent of site covered by pervious and impervious surfaces.


    Density (units per acre).


    Number of buildings and the number of proposed units in each building.


    Square footage:


    For each typical residential unit proposed,


    Total square footage of the building(s),


    The square footage of each building and the footprint of each building,


    The square footage of each floor and the number of floors or stories of each building,


    The square footage of each use,


    The square footage of usable, common open space, as defined by the zoning code.


    The number of parking spaces provided with parking calculations.


    Building height as defined by the zoning division.


    Individual onsite sewage treatment and disposal system sizing criteria and calculations.


    Fireflow calculations.


    Graphic requirements:


    The scale of the drawing shall be one-inch equals ten feet through one-inch equals 50 feet unless otherwise approved.


    A north arrow shall be shown.


    Property lines, right-of-way lines and easement lines shall be located and dimensioned. The plan shall provide sufficient geometry and details for the constructability of infrastructure improvements. The method(s) for establishing the spatial location of the improvements can include any of the following: station/offset, direct dimensioning or coordinates. The spatial location of the infrastructure improvements shall be so complete that the plan can be staked by a surveyor without relying of the AutoCAD or digital drawing file.


    All proposed and existing structures shall be located and dimensioned, including all required setbacks as well as distances between structures.


    First floor elevations of all structures will be measured from the centerline elevation of any street contiguous to the site. All elevations shall be based on published NAVD 1988 datum. A permanent benchmark must be set onsite. The benchmark shall be noted or shown graphically with the associated description, elevation and datum.


    Access points to public or private streets shall be designed to minimize disruption to traffic and to optimize public safety. All points of ingress/egress, driveways, parking spaces, loading areas, private streets and bikeway/pedways (sidewalks), shall be located and dimensioned, including widths and turning radii, as applicable. Parking lots and access shall be designed in accordance with the FDOT specifications applicable county codes or exhibits, and appropriate technical standards.


    Identify lighting pole locations.


    Locate all individual onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems that are proposed or are existing on the property. Locate any proposed or existing wells. Identify any wells or individual onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems within 100 feet of the proposed site.


    Existing and proposed water, sewer, reclaimed water, electric, gas, telephone and TV cable utilities and appurtenances with sizes, capacities, slopes, depths, and types of materials shown.


    Solid waste storage locations, dumpster pads, and associated screening (both type & height) shall be identified on the site plan.


    Such location shall not utilize a required parking space.


    The location must provide adequate maneuvering area for loading purposes according to the criteria in the exhibits.


    Dumpster enclosures shall be constructed in accordance with the exhibits.


    If curbside pickup is proposed, the trash storage area shall be shown on the plan.


    Usable, common open space, if required, shall be specifically delineated as defined in the county zoning regulations.


    A lighting plan shall be attached including all photometrices and light details, if applicable.


    The required landscape plan shall be submitted on a separate sheet attached to the site plan for all reviews. Tree surveys as required per landscaping/land clearing ordinance shall be provided.


    A topographical and boundary survey certified by a state professional land surveyor, including surveyor's name, address and phone number. The survey must be current and accurately depict the conditions on site at time of submittal. The boundary survey shall be based on a current title search listing all encumbrances on the property including easements, encroachments, mortgages, etc., and the boundary survey shall include a notation referencing the title search. All survey work shall be accomplished in accordance with the state minimal technical standards (MTS) as set forth in F.A.C. ch. 5J-17.


    The boundary survey, site plan boundary and legal descriptions shall all match.


    The boundary survey shall be incorporated into the construction plans as "existing condition" or as an attachment to the plans. In all cases, the site plan shall clearly show all pertinent survey data (bearings and distances, corner monuments, point of beginning, point of commencement, etc.). In addition, all easements and encumbrances are to be depicted on the survey.


    The topographic survey shall provide sufficient topographic data of the area within 200 feet of the subject property to analyze drainage impacts on site and the adjacent properties. The site plan shall also include the flood zone classification and applicable base flood elevation as a notation.


    Site benchmarks shall be referenced to an established NAVD 1988 datum and shall include the primary benchmark, its published datum and elevation, description and location. A minimum of two site benchmarks which are a maximum of 250 feet from the project site are required and shall be either graphically shown or noted on the survey and/or site plan.


    In those instances where a condominium is proposed, the applicant shall be required to have the approved boundary survey and the final record (as-built) survey of the project site recorded in a condominium book of the public records of the county.

(Ord. No. 13-40, § 6, 12-3-13; Ord. No. 17-10, § 2, 5-9-17)