§ 62-3206. Parking and loading requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose. In the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the general public in the promotion and preservation of traffic safety, all buildings, structures or activities shall be provided with adequate off-street parking and off-street loading facilities for the use of occupants, employees, visitors and patrons associated with the site in accordance with the parking and loading requirements of this section.




    Parking and loading areas shall be provided, maintained and continued as part of the primary use of new and existing developments. Existing buildings or changes of the occupational uses shall provide the necessary parking required by this section subject to the following:


    A building or existing use may be modernized, altered, or repaired without providing additional parking and loading facilities provided there is no increase in floor area or capacity and no change of occupational use.


    Where such building or use is enlarged in floor area, volume, capacity, or space occupied, then the necessary parking and loading area shall be provided for the additional floor area, volume, capacity, or space created.


    Where the occupational use of a building or structure is changed to a new use that requires more parking spaces or loading zones than exist on the site, then the necessary parking and loading area shall be provided for the new use.


    The required parking and loading areas shall be provided prior to the building or structure receiving a certificate of occupancy (CO). In cases where the county does not issue a certificate of occupancy, then the necessary parking and loading areas shall be provided prior to the building or structure being occupied.


    Parking and loading areas shall be located on the site of the principal use which it is intended to serve, unless otherwise provided in this section.


    The parking area shall be designed and constructed so that the ingress to and egress from the site, both vehicular and pedestrian, provide safe traffic control and flow on the site, as well as between the site and adjoining land, including public road right-of-way.


    Except for single-family residences and duplexes, all off-street parking, loading areas and maneuvering space and associated driveway aisles, shall be paved (i.e., asphalt, concrete, or paver blocks).


    Parking and loading area design criteria. The following design criteria shall be utilized for the design of parking lots and loading facilities and their associated driveways, drive aisles and maneuvering areas. Additional information relating to the minimum parking and loading design standards is in the exhibits.


    Parking space dimensions.


    Standard parking 0—90 degrees: Nine feet by 20 feet minimum.


    Parallel parking: Nine feet by 24 feet minimum.


    Parking spaces may incorporate a permeable area within the front two feet of each space, provided secured wheel barriers are place at the termination of the parking space pavement.


    Drive aisle dimensions.


    Two-way drive aisles: Twenty-four feet minimum width, may be reduced to 22 feet if parking is only on one-side of the drive aisle.


    One-way drive aisle: Fourteen feet minimum width.


    Parking lots or loading areas shall have no driveway aisle(s) which dead-end(s) without a turnaround area (refer to exhibits).


    No parking lot or loading area driveway aisle shall have an inner radius or any curved portion which is less than 15 feet. For operations, including special vehicles (trucks of various sizes) the criteria in the exhibits and/or AASHTO design vehicle turning templates, shall be utilized to determine proper turning radii.


    Pavement and parking spaces shall not be permitted within a required a vegetative buffer area.


    All points of ingress and egress for accessing parking lots from either a public street or an adjacent parking lot, internal collector driveway, shall not exceed 24 feet in width unless otherwise approved by the county.


    Accessible parking shall be designed, constructed, and designated pursuant to the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Design Standards and the Florida Accessibility Code (FAC). These parking spaces shall be conveniently located with respect to main and secondary entrances, and ramps to sidewalks shall be provided and conveniently located in relationship to the disabled parking spaces.


    Multifamily parking shall comply with all Fair Housing Act requirements.


    All parking and loading areas shall be designed and constructed to prevent backing vehicles directly onto a public road or right-of-way, except for single-family residential dwellings and duplexes that are located on local and/or subdivision streets.


    Access points to public or private streets shall be in compliance with the federal, state, and local access management regulations.


    All required parking spaces, dumpster spaces, loading areas, delineation and other striping requirements shall be identified using the striping and visual contrast criteria of the current manual of uniform traffic control devices (Federal Highway Administration—FHWA).


    Commercial and industrial land uses that require significant outside sales display or storage parking shall not cause the developed site to exceed 60 percent impervious area. Additional unpaved display and storage parking areas exceeding 60 percent may be approved subject to:


    The area shall not front on a public right-of-way, and


    The method of stabilization is county approved, and


    The area contains sod.


    All properties located within a residential zoning classification where building height exceeds 45 feet, one level of parking shall be required to be located within the area defined by the exterior walls of the principal habitable structure.


    Within the Merritt Island Redevelopment Area, new developments located within the Merritt Park Place subdivision will be required to locate on-site parking to the side or rear of the principal structure.


    Minimum parking spaces. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined from the following criteria. No use shall have less than three parking spaces. The parking criteria for any use not specifically mentioned shall be the same as for the use most similar to the one sought. Fractional spaces shall be rounded to the closest number.


    Amusement game parlors, pool halls and other similar recreational buildings: One space per 200 square feet of floor area.


    Apartment complexes: One and three fourths (1.75) spaces per unit. Clubhouse or amenities require parking per this section of the code.


    Assisted living facilities: One space per two occupants or two beds whichever is greater.


    Automotive, boat and trailer sales: One space per 500 square feet of floor area, plus one space per 2,500 square feet of outside display area.


    Barbershops and beauty shops: Two spaces per barber or beauty chair.


    Business complex: Consisting of a mix of office, retail, wholesale stores, recreational areas, warehousing, manufacturing, light industrial, or scientific research functions shall provide one space per 325 square foot total.


    Churches and places of worship: One space per three seats or seating places in sanctuary.


    Condominiums and townhome complexes: Two spaces per residential unit plus one space per five units for guest parking. Complexes with more than 15 units shall not be required to provide guest parking. Clubhouse or amenities require parking per this section of the code.


    Convenience store: One space per 125 square feet of floor area. Gas pump aisles may be counted as parking spaces—One pump with two sides, two spaces; one pump with one side, one space.


    Day care centers: One and one-half spaces for each employee.


    Duplexes: Two parking spaces are required per residential unit; a garage space may count as one parking space.


    Flea markets and farmers' markets: One space per 50 square feet of sales area, including outdoor areas.


    Furniture and major appliance stores: One space per 500 square feet of floor area.


    General retail: One space per 250 square feet of floor area.


    Hospitals and other similar health care facilities: One space shall be reserved for doctors for each ten patient beds, plus one space per four patient beds, plus one space per one and one-half employees, exclusive of doctor parking spaces.


    Independent living facilities: 1.1 space per dwelling unit.


    Libraries, museums, art galleries: One space per 300 square feet of floor area.


    Lumber yards, manufacturing and warehouses: One space per each 500 square feet of floor space. Building units having a minimum of 50 square feet and not exceeding 200 square feet, whose primary purpose is to provide an address for an business tax receipt, parking shall be one space per unit.


    Marinas: Marinas and boat ramps:


    Wet slips: One parking space per three wet slips.


    Dry slips and moorings: One parking space per four dry slips or moorings for facilities up to 50 dry slips or moorings, or one parking space per five dry slips or moorings for facilities with over 50 dry slips or moorings.


    Live-aboard: One parking space per boat slip.


    Boat ramps: 25 parking spaces per boat ramp or hoist available to the general public.

    In addition to the aforementioned requirements, one parking space per each 300 square feet devoted to sales and service shall be provided. The county manager or designee may require that the applicant submit a parking study, signed and sealed by a professional engineer, to determine the number of additional parking spaces necessary to support ancillary uses, including, but not limited to, charter boats, ecotourism vessels, boat-yards and party-boats.


    Medical urgent care clinics: One space per 200 square feet of floor area.


    Mini warehouses: A self-storage mini warehouse as defined in the county zoning code shall have a minimum and a maximum of five parking spaces, including one accessible parking space, regardless of size. A minimum 24-foot driveway aisle shall be provided contiguously along any side of the mini-warehouse containing the access points or doors to the individual storage areas.


    Mortuaries, funeral homes and crematoriums: One space per three seats, or seating spaces within chapel, plus one and one-half spaces per employee.


    Motels and hotels: One and third spaces per unit or room, plus 30 percent of the parking space requirements associated with other uses permitted in addition to overnight lodging accommodations.


    Outdoor attractions, with grandstands or without: One space per three fixed seats and one space per 20 square feet of seating or spectator area where no fixed seats are provided.


    Parks and recreation areas: Parking spaces should be considered on the specific parks development plan and should be determined by its active or passive facilities. A parking study must be reviewed and approved by the county traffic section.


    Private clubs and clubhouses: One space per 200 square feet of floor area.


    Professional offices buildings (including medical, dental, and veterinarian): One space per 250 square feet of floor area.


    Recreational vehicle site: One space per lot plus one space per 20 lots for guest parking.


    Restaurants, cocktail lounges and other eating and drinking establishments: one space for every 100 square feet of gross floor area of the building including outdoor seating.

    Take-out restaurants with no associated seating shall provide one parking space for every 250 square feet gross floor area.


    Schools (public and private schools) calculations based on maximum student capacity:


    College universities, technical or vocational schools: One space per three students and faculty.




    High schools: One space per four students.


    Middle schools: One space per ten students.


    Elementary schools: One space per five students.


    Service stations, automobile repair and garages: One space per 200 square feet.


    Single-family residence: Two spaces per unit.


    Theaters, auditoriums, convention halls and other similar public assemblage places: One space per three seats.


    Loading area design criteria and requirements.


    Loading and unloading activity shall avoid undue interferences with public use of the streets, alleys, or required access aisles, driveways and spaces for parking areas.


    Loading spaces or berths shall have minimum dimensions of 14 by 30 feet and a height of not less than 14 feet. Service alleys or driveways shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. In addition, the loading zone shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the exhibits.


    Loading facilities and truck parking are prohibited on street frontages in the commercial zoning categories and in a planned business park (PBP) or planned industrial park (PIP) classification.


    Loading facilities and truck parking shall be located to the side or at the rear of the most forward structures and shall be paved and have adequate drainage and shall be maintained in good condition.


    Loading facilities shall be designed and constructed to allow all maneuvering of trucks and other vehicles on site and preclude backing directly into a public street or utilizing public right-of-way.


    The following requirements for loading spaces or berths and truck parking areas shall apply to all commercial and industrial zones:


    A minimum number of loading spaces or berths shall be provided and maintained as follows:

    Size of Building or Structure (square feet) Number of Spaces or Berths
    Over 15,000 but not over 25,000 1
    Over 25,000 but not over 60,000 2
    Over 60,000 but not over 120,000 3
    Over 120,000 but not over 200,000 4
    Over 200,000 but not over 290,000 5



    Businesses that provide fueling or similar uses shall designate fuel truck delivery area design pursuant to the requirements of this section.


    Alternate requirements. The county manager or designee may approve alternate requirements including offsite parking, shared parking, alternate construction standards, and parking reductions subject to the following criteria.


    Offsite and shared parking. A site may utilize parking spaces of any adjoining property or a site separated by a public or private right-of-way subject to all of the following criteria:


    The primary property containing the use requiring the parking provides a minimum of 60 percent of its required parking spaces onsite.


    The secondary offsite location has excess parking spaces as established under this section.


    A common access and parking easement agreement that provides for perpetual access and use of the adjoining property's parking spaces and access drive aisles is executed by all applicable parties and is provided at the time of site plan application.


    Parking facilities separated from the use by public road right-of-way shall satisfy the following criteria:


    The right-of way is not classified as a minor arterial or higher, or


    The roadway currently has less than 5,000 average daily traffic (ADT), or


    Any road projected to have such classification or average daily traffic under the county comprehensive plan, except as may be provided otherwise by article VI.


    Alternate construction standards. A development may request to utilize an alternative standard to pave off-street parking, loading areas, maneuvering space and associated driveway aisles based on the following criteria:


    Whether total paving would have a detrimental effect upon existing unpaved roads or water quality.


    Whether operations or activities (churches, equipment storage yards, etc.) are such that the use of certain portions of the parking areas would only be used on an intermittent basis. Driveway aisles and loading areas shall be paved.


    A stabilized surface acceptable to the county shall be provided for the entire unpaved parking area, and such area shall be organized for traffic control and parking by permanent fixation of a delineation method per the approval of a site development plan.


    Commercial and industrial developments required by this section to provide 400 or more parking spaces may set aside up to no less than 25 percent or no more than 35 percent of that requirement as stabilized overflow parking. This parking shall not be paved.


    Parking reduction or no similar use study. Where the applicant so desires, the applicant may conduct a parking accumulation study to determine a parking standard for the subject use. The parking standard for the subject use shall be determined after submittal and review of the following information, a determination by the public works director or his designee in coordination with the planning and development director or his designee, that the standards specified herein have been met;


    A parking accumulation study shall be prepared by a registered engineer and submitted with a site plan waiver application. The study shall be signed and sealed by a Florida-licensed, professional engineer.


    A pre-study meeting is required between the petitioner's engineer and the county public works director or his designee to set forth the parameters of the study (number of days, hours of the day, site(s) to be studied).


    All parking studies at a minimum shall:


    Cover at least a three-day period;


    Cover at least three site(s) having a similar mix of uses and design characteristics as the proposed use;


    Record occupied parking spaces within the study area at 15-minute increments;


    Record the information on a sketch;


    Summarize the information for each day of the study and compile the information for analysis;


    Factor in a peak season demand;


    Include an analysis section that states the parking demand number for each use on each site, along with the average parking demand number for each use studied (all sites). Said numbers shall include the 15 percent safety factor in (4) below;


    Include a conditions section which, based upon the data and analysis, proposes a standard parking rate (a certain number of spaces per a certain number of square feet gross building area) for a particular use category.


    Demonstrate, if applicable, that alternative modes of transportation including, but not limited to, transit, bicycle and pedestrian facilities allows for the reduction in parking requirements.


    With the exception of multifamily developments, all other commercial buildings 25,000 square feet and over shall be allowed to reduce the total parking requirement by 15 percent.

(Ord. No. 13-40, § 8, 12-3-13; Ord. No. 14-16, § 2, 5-13-14; Ord. No. 17-10, § 3, 5-9-17)