§ 62-3632. Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • It is the purpose and intent of this division to maintain the surficial aquifer system by protecting the function of designated aquifer recharge areas. Current and future water supply demands upon the surficial aquifer system can be protected by maintaining predevelopment groundwater levels, topographic elevations and high recharge rates, as well as restricting or prohibiting the presence of hazardous materials within recharge areas. It is also the intent of this division to designate prime wellhead protection, Type 1 and Type 2 aquifer recharge areas as environmentally sensitive areas, and the regulations set out in this division shall apply for the protection of these areas. In addition, these regulations shall also apply to Type 3 aquifer recharge areas. Standards found within this division shall apply to any person, firm, organization or agency constructing septic tanks, undertaking agriculture or forestry operations not utilizing best management practices, undertaking mining operations or construction of private lakes, or undertaking any development project, as well as facilities which receive, store or use solid wastes or hazardous materials.

(Code 1979, § 14-71; Ord. No. 2010-06, § 2(Attch. A), 3-9-10)