§ 62-4208. Prerequisites for issuance of building permit.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to those permit application requirements and procedures for the issuance of a building permit by the county building official under the provisions of chapter 22, any person desiring to construct seaward of the established county coastal construction control line shall satisfy the following additional requirements and procedures prior to the issuance of the building permit:


    The applicant shall submit to the county building official a statement describing the proposed work, activity or construction seaward of the established coastal construction control line.


    The applicant shall submit to the county building official a certification by a professional engineer or architect registered in the state that the design plans and specifications for the proposed structures comply with all standards established in this article.


    The applicant shall submit to the county building official two copies of a topographic survey of the subject property, prepared or verified for accuracy not more than six months prior to the date of application, and certified by a land surveyor registered in the state. The topographic survey shall include the following specific information:


    The location of the contour line corresponding to elevation 0 NGVD.


    The location of any existing vegetation line on the subject property.


    The location of the established state department of natural resources coastal construction control line, the county coastal construction control line, the mean high-water line and the coastal setback line for the full width of the subject property, including the location and number of the two nearest baseline monuments of the state department of natural resources.


    The location of any existing structures on the subject property, and the location of any proposed construction or activity.


    The applicant shall also submit two copies of detailed final construction plans and specifications for all proposed structures or excavation, including all planned appurtenant structures and utilities. These documents shall be signed and sealed by the design engineer or architect, as appropriate, who must be registered in the state.


    The county building official may require the applicant to provide other site-specific information or calculations as necessary for proper evaluation of the application.


    The conditions described in this section for issuance of a building permit for construction seaward of the coastal construction control line shall be administered by the county building official, in conjunction with chapter 22, taking into account any recommendations submitted by the state department of natural resources, division of beaches and shores, after review of the application and supporting documents.

(Ord. No. 85-17, § 11, 6-4-85)