§ 62-4451. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this division, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth in this section:

    Accessory use means a use on the same lot or parcel of land with and of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to the primary use or structure.

    Agricultural pursuit means the human-controlled cultivation and harvest of plant and animal species, including both freshwater and marine plant and aquatic animal species.

    Aquifer means a saturated geologic formation, group of formations or part of a formation that transmits groundwater.

    Artesian well means a well drilled deep enough to reach water under pressure that will force such water above the top of the aquifer, but not necessarily above ground level. An artesian well can be under enough pressure to raise the water above ground level without the aid of pumps.

    Berm means a manmade ridge of earth constructed to control or confine water. For the purpose of this division, a berm shall constitute a bank of earth surrounding a lake for the purposes of preventing stormwater from entering the lake.

    Board of adjustment means the board of adjustment as defined within article II, division 4, of this chapter.

    Conditional use permit (CUP) means a written warrant, permit or zoning resolution granted by the board in accordance with the provisions of article VI of this chapter authorizing a specified use such as the operation of commercial borrow operations or mining operations.

    County means Brevard County, Florida.

    Detention basin means that element of a surface water drainage system designed and constructed incidental to an approved site development plan or subdivision plan for the purpose of collecting and temporarily storing stormwater in such a manner as to provide for treatment through physical, chemical or biological processes with subsequent gradual release of the stormwater.

    Director means the director of the county office of natural resources management, or the director's designee.

    Lake means a body of standing water occupying a natural basin or manmade depression in the earth's surface. The definition of lake shall not include a body of standing water identified as a detention or retention basin.

    Littoral zone means a shallow water region typically around the perimeter of a lake or pond, or within a lake, where there is light penetration to the bottom and which is typically occupied by rooted plants.

    Mean sea level means the average level of the surface of the sea between high and low tides.

    Permitted primary structure means a primary structure which has a valid county building permit.

    Person means any corporation, individual, partnership, association or other legal entity, including any officer or governing or managing body thereof.

    Primary structure means a building which exists permanently on the site, used as a residential unit, or used for a business, agricultural, industrial or commercial purpose.

    Primary use means the principal use of a parcel of land.

    Private lake means a land excavation on private property up to ten acres in size intended to generate fill material for on-site development or to provide a recreational or aesthetic amenity, and where the fill is not removed from the parcel of land.

    Public water supply well means a well constructed for the purpose of providing potable water for general use which serves at least 250 people on a daily basis or has a minimum of 100 service connections. Public water supplies may be either publicly or privately owned.

    Public water system means a system which provides piped water to the public for human consumption.

    Sewer system means a system used in connection with the collection, treatment, purification or disposal of sewage effluent and residue. Septic tank systems shall not be included in this definition.

    Stormwater management system means the designed features of any property which collect, convey, channel, hold, inhibit or divert the movement of stormwater. This definition includes but is not limited to retention and detention basins.

    Swale means a typically dry manmade trench designed to convey stormwater during and following rainfall events, and which is planted with vegetation for the purpose of soil stabilization, stormwater treatment and nutrient uptake, and which is designed to prevent erosion and reduce pollutant discharges.

(Code 1979, § 14-113.1)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-2.