§ 62-4458. Vegetation standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A vegetated littoral zone below mean high-water shall be established for a private lake larger than three-quarters of an acre in size. A mixture of native vegetation shall be established by natural colonization, by inoculation or by planting within 12 months after issuance of a private lake permit. When planting is utilized, plantings shall be on three-foot centers using species contained within the list in subsection (d) of this section. The applicant shall provide the director with a quarterly report, including photographs of the littoral zone, for a period of two years after the lake has been completed. At the end of this two-year period, if the plants have not attained 80 percent coverage of the required planted area, additional planting and monitoring will be required. Herbicides approved for aquatic use may be applied to control undesirable aquatic plants.


    When lakes are utilized within stormwater management systems and littoral plantings are required, the area covered by littoral plants must comprise a minimum of 30 percent of the total lake area at mean water level.


    When lakes are not utilized within a stormwater management system and littoral plantings are required, the area covered by native littoral vegetation must comprise a minimum of 15 percent of the total lake area at mean water level.


    Plant species suitable and sometimes available from nurseries for littoral zone plantings of private lakes are as follows:

    Common Name   Scientific Name
    Arrowhead/Duck-potato Sagitteria latifolia
    Blue flag iris Iris virginicus
    Bulrush Cyperus, Scirpus spp.
    Climbing aster Aster carolinianus
    Coinwort/Water pennywort Hydrocotyle umbellata
    Cordgrass Spartina bakeri
    Cypress Taxodium spp.
    Golden canna Canna flaccida
    Maidencane Panicum hemitomon
    Pickerelweed Pontederia lanceolata
    Rushes Juncus, Eleocharis spp.
    Spatterdock/Yellow pond lily Nuphar luteum
    Sedges Cyperus spp.
    Water-shield/Dollar bonnet Brasenia schreberi
    Water tupelo/Cotton gum Nyssa spp.
    White water lily Nymphaea odorata


    Other plant species may be acceptable for littoral zone plantings. Species other than those listed in this subsection must be approved by the office of natural resources management prior to planting.

(Code 1979, § 14-113.6)