§ 62-4809. Water quality sampling and standards for body F shellfish harvesting area—Generally.  

Latest version.
  • The county health department shall establish conditions for sampling in and around the subject island which is a shellfish harvesting area designated as body F by the state. The sampling shall be done on at least a monthly basis. Provided the approved shellfish area known as body F is open and meets the water quality requirements of the state, the following bacteriological standards are hereby established as the minimum requirements for the subject property: The median coliform bacteria count, MPN (most probable number), in the Indian River shall not exceed 43 per 100 milliliters, and not more than ten percent of the samples shall exceed a most probable number of 150 per 100 milliliters. If the samples taken by the county health department exceed the standards set out in this section for a period of six consecutive months, there shall be no further construction or development of any type on the property unless and until a satisfactory waste treatment facility is constructed for the platted portion of the island.

(Code 1979, § 14-115)