§ 62-4811. Land use and development standards.  

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    Permitted uses. Permitted uses are as follows:


    Single-family unit or cottage.


    On-site sewage treatment and disposal systems.




    Accessory uses. Accessory uses are as follows:


    Private docks.


    Utility shed not to exceed 100 square feet.


    Screened porch not to exceed 200 square feet.


    Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses permitted.




    Structures shall be set back not less than 50 feet from the mean high-water line.


    Structures shall be set back not less than five feet from side lot lines, and not less than 20 feet from the rear lot line. For those properties which abut on the Indian River, the front shall be deemed that part of the lot which fronts on the Indian River. For those lots which do not abut on the canal running through the middle of that portion of the island which is platted, the front setback shall commence with the canal. For those properties which do not abut on the Indian River, the structure shall be set back not less than 20 feet from the front lot line and not less than five feet from the side lots lines and not less than 20 feet from the rear lot line.


    Accessory buildings shall be located to the rear of the principal building and no closer than five feet to the rear and side lot lines. Such setback spacing shall not be covered or connected to the principal structure.


    Maximum height. The maximum height of structures, towers or antennas shall be 35 feet.




    Real estate signs such as "for sale" and "for rent" signs shall not exceed six square feet in size.


    Temporary signs for construction shall be permitted during construction only and shall not exceed 16 square feet in size. No other signs shall be permitted on the property.


    Paving. There shall be no asphalt paving or concrete of any type on this property except for the foundation of the principal and accessory structures. There shall be no asphalt paving or concrete for walkways and driveways. It shall be unlawful to pave a lot, alley or easement on the subject property.




    Canals. The construction of a navigable canal is prohibited. The enlargement, extension or widening of an existing canal is prohibited.

(Code 1979, § 14-114; Ord. No. 03-44, § 1, 8-26-03)