§ 62-3202. General.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A site development plan shall be required for the construction or expansion of a building, structure, infrastructure, or complex of buildings or structures, unless exempted by this section. A building permit shall not be issued, unless the construction plans are accompanied by an approved site development plan.


    Exemptions. The following are exempt from the site plan review; however, shall comply with all other development regulations and building code requirements.


    Detached single family or duplex/two family residence on a fee simple lot.


    Changing the use of an established site or changing the occupational classification within a structure where the existing parking supports the new use.


    Ancillary structures including, but not limited to, sheds, canopies, and coolers to an established principal use meeting the following criteria:


    The structure does not necessitate the expansion of the existing infrastructure such as parking spaces, stormwater system, etc., or


    Does not impact the adequacy of the existing infrastructure (e.g. utilize necessary parking spaces, remove/reduce stormwater, etc.), and


    The scope of work does not require modifying the existing site engineering and can be regulated through the building permit review process.


    Co-locates of antennas and equipment on existing towers and tower sites, where there is no expansion of the lease area, no relocation of existing fencing, and no clearing of existing vegetation necessary.


    A site development plan submitted for any development defined in this Article shall comply with the requirements of article VII, division 4, engineering design standards for subdivision and site plan review.


    Site development plans, drainage plans, drainage calculations, and all other engineering studies shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state. The county manager or their designee may waive the engineering requirement for minor site plans or minor alteration plans.


    Plans and drawings submitted as exhibits with variance or conditional use permit applications, including binding site plans, binding concept plans, binding development agreements, and binding development plans shall not be accepted for review as a site development plan, nor satisfy the requirements of this article, unless prepared under the guidelines of this article and contain all the information, data and exhibits outlined herein.


    Site development plans located within the Merritt Island Redevelopment Area (MIRA) as described in the Merritt Island Redevelopment Plan, shall be coordinated with the Merritt Island Redevelopment Agency for a determination of consistency with the Merritt Island Redevelopment Plan.


    The county manager or their designee shall be the final approving authority for all site development plans that comply with the requirements of all applicable codes, regulations, and statutes. However, if in the opinion of the county manager or their designee, the intensity and location of the development warrants an evaluation by the board, the applicant shall be advised that board action will be necessary to obtain site plan approval.


    The site development plan shall include all of the necessary information and engineering for construction, including but not limited to, the following and other specific requirements and standards of this article:


    A site development plan shall provide that the proposed lot sizes, lot coverage, density, setback provisions, and other factors are in conformity with the requirements of this article and other applicable ordinances, articles and statutes.


    The site shall be designed and constructed to ensure use of the property is in harmony with adjacent and surrounding land use; has adequate light and air; and is safe and convenient for those persons utilizing such property.


    The ingress and egress to the property and proposed structures, both pedestrian and vehicular, shall be controlled so as to provide safe traffic control and flow within the property and between adjoining property and existing public roads and rights-of-way.


    The site shall have direct access to a paved road, whether public or private.


    Access drives that function as a minor street, minor arterial, collector street or higher functional classification shall be constructed in accordance with applicable sections of the article VII.


    The drainage of the property shall not alter the established drainage so as to adversely affect the adjoining property. The plan shall depict the stormwater treatment method as required by federal, state, and local governing agencies.


    The plan shall demonstrate water and sewer service are available. In areas where public sewer service is not available, the site development plan shall depict department of health approved alternative means of treatment.


    Site development plans shall take reasonable measures to preserve all natural, scenic vistas/roadways, archaeological, and historic features.


    Any boundary and/or easement overlaps and gaps must be resolved prior to final approval.


    Site plans within BU-1, BU-2, or industrial zoning classifications shall construct a minimum of a six-foot high masonry or solid wall, including, but not limited to, concrete block walls, pre-cast (solid) walls, or foam core/steel support with stucco finish, when the subject property abuts a residential zoning classification.

(Ord. No. 13-40, § 4, 12-3-13)