§ 62-4396. Location of land alteration activities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Aquifer recharge areas.


    Prime and class I aquifer recharge areas. Land alteration activities are not permitted within prime or class I aquifer recharge areas.


    Secondary aquifer recharge areas. For alterations proposed in these recharge areas, the applicant shall provide certification by a professional engineer that the proposed alteration will:


    Not increase the rate and volume of runoff from the property;


    Not substantially decrease the ability of the property to recharge the groundwater aquifer; and


    Not adversely affect the quality of any existing groundwater on the site.


    Setbacks generally.


    No land alteration activities shall be permitted within:


    The setbacks set forth within section 62-1939, pertaining to specific conditions for mining and smelting operations.


    Fifty feet of a resource of particular concern, unless permitted pursuant to articles X or XII.


    The setbacks set forth within section 62-1936, pertaining to specific conditions for land alteration.


    Authority to require additional setback. The director may require greater setbacks if the director finds such greater setbacks would be necessary to protect resources of particular concern or adjoining property not owned by the applicant, or for the implementation of the county comprehensive plan, including but not limited to the conservation, stormwater management, future land use and transportation elements.

(Code 1979, § 14-112.7; Ord. No. 07-57, § 1, 12-4-07; Ord. No. 2011-17, § 7, 5-26-11)